Prizes and Grants received
- 2012 Vía Inteligente Awards
Title: Assisted City ApplicationEntity: Vía InteligenteDate: March 7th, 2012Authors: Aitor Almeida, Pablo Orduña, Eduardo Castillejo, Diego López-de-Ipiña
This mobile app helps you enjoying services and contents at your city. It enables you to find restaurants, museums, petrol stations and so on. It will show you how to reach to all those places. Furthermore, it caters for users with special needs. It is an assistant for both people with disabilities and without them. It is written with our Imhotep framework which follows the "write once execute anywhere for any device and any user" mantra.
- 2010/12 UD-Grupo Santander Research Award
Title: Arquitectura web 2.0 para laboratorios remotos, WebLab-DEUSTO 3.0.Entity: UD-Grupo Santander Research AwardDate: December 20th, 2010Authors: Javier García-Zubia, Pablo Orduña, Ignacio Angulo, Diego López de Ipiña, Jaime Irurzun, Unai Hernández, Jonathan Ruiz de Garibay
- 2009 Spanish winner of Ricoh and Java™ Developer Challenge Innovating Technology
Entity: Ricoh EuropeDate: April 3, 2009Role: Supervisor of student project "Touch2Print: Touch2Print: Print anywhere by double touching" developed by Irune Lansorena and Igor Robles
Touch2Print is a service to enable users to print files by simply approaching an NFCenabled mobile device bound to a PC to a printer.
- 2007 Odolplan - Electronic Pill Dispenser
Entity: Alava EmprendeDate: 2007Author: Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza, Josu Almanza Pérez, Pablo Aguirrezabal Colino and Ainhoa Pérez Valle
This project aims to implement a smart web server wich in cooperation with mobile devices assists people with coagulation problems in their monitoring and medication.
- 2007 Best Paper at Jornadas Científicas sobre RFID
Title: Premio a la mejor contribución en las Jornadas Científicas sobre RFIDEntity: Jornadas Científicas sobre RFID 2007, SETRA, Ciudad RealDate: November 21-23, 2007Authors: Diego López-de-Ipiña, Juan Ignacio Vazquez and Iker JamardoLinks:
- 2007 Spanish winner of Ricoh and Java™ Developer Challenge Innovating Technology
Entity: Ricoh EuropeDate: March 26, 2007Role: Supervisor of student project "Ricoh EnterpriseController" who won the Spanish Edition of the 2007 Ricoh & Java Sun Programming Contest developed by Álvaro Pérez Soria
A system which transforms an Multi-functional Printer (MFP) into a Personalised and Extensible Universal Remote Controller of Enterprise Services and Devices
- 2006 Spanish winner of Ricoh and Java™ Developer Challenge Innovating Technology
Entity: Ricoh EuropeDate: April 27, 2006Role: Supervisor of student project "RingCode2Job" who won the Spanish Edition of the 2006 Ricoh & Java Sun Programming Contest developed by Irantzu Marquinez Nieto and Mikel Fdz. de Matauco Amestoy
RingCode2Job is a system which allows the configuration of complex jobs (a macro including several tasks such as scanning, photocopying and sending mail, with their corresponding attributes) on a Multi-Functional Printer in a very simple manner and in a short time. It simplifies the interaction between the user and the multifunctional printer through a simple “Show RingCode and Click” paradigm thanks to the RingCode2Job Xlet, installed on the MFP, and, on the other hand, the RingCode2Job server, running on a Tomcat server within the organisation or even in Ricoh premises.
- 2005 Spanish Edition Winner of Imagine Cup
Entity: Microsoft, Imagine CupDate: April 15, 2005Role: Supervisor of student project "Environment Mobile Intelligent Interaction: (EMI2)" who won the Spanish Edition of Imagine Cup Contest. The student winning the price were Daniel García Gómez, Iván García Cossío y Javier Fernández González
EMI2lets is a .NET-based development platform for AmI which addresses the intelligent discovery and interaction among EMI2Objects and EMI2Proxies. EMI2lets follows a Jini-like mechanism by which once a service is discovered, a proxy of it (an EMI2let) is downloaded into the user’s device (EMI2Proxy). An EMI2let is a mobile component transferred from a smart object to a nearby handheld device, which normally offers a graphical interface to interact or influence the behaviour of a surrounding smart object
- 2001 Best Student Paper Prize: ICOIN-15 IEEE Conference
Entity: 15th IEEE International Conference on Information Networking(ICOIN-15)Date: January 31 - February 2, 2001Role: First author of publication "LocALE: a Location-Aware Lifecycle Environment for Ubiquitous Computing" by Diego López de Ipiña and Sai-Lai LoLinks:
- 1998-2002 Grant for Ph.D. studies at Cambridge University
Entity: Department of Education, Basque GovernmentDate: October 1998-January 2002Links:
- 1997-1998 Grant for M.Sc. studies at University of Essex
Entity: Department of Education, Basque GovernmentDate: October 1997-September 1998Links: