Publicaciones en red

Páginas de famosos

Raquel Martínez. Traducción Automática (transparencias en PDF, caché).
Danilo Nogueira. Translation Tools Today: A Personal View (Comparativa informal sobre sistemas de memorias de traducción. Excelente.)
Josu Gómez. Una guía al TMX
Ingemar Strandvik, Servicio de Traducción de la Comisión Europea. Las memorias de traducción en la Comisión Europea
Kevin McTait. Linguistic Knowledge and Complexity in an EBMT System Based on Translation Patterns
Eduard Hovy, E. Filatova, M. King, and B. Maegaard. The ISLE Classification of Machine Translation Evaluations
John Hutchins. Towards a new vision for MT
Yves Savourel. XML Technologies and the Localization Process: Why a standard markup method is needed for working with multilingual documents (caché)
European Parlament. Linguistic Diversity on the Internet: Assessment of the Contribution of Machine Translation (caché)
Marieke Napier. The Soldiers are in the Coffee – An Introduction to Machine Translation
Alan K. Melby. SALT: Standards-based Access service to multilingual Lexicons and Terminologies (caché)
Wired. Machine Translation's Past and Future (caché)
Walter Popp. Petit glossaire à l'intention des demandeurs de traductions (caché)
Thomas Diedrich. Traducción y comunicación ante los retos del nuevo milenio
Magnus Merkel. Selected articles and books on Parallel text processing, Corpus linguistics, Translation studies, and Machine Translation (caché)
Jean Véronis and Marie-Dominique Mahimon. Parallel text processing. Bibliography
NSF. Multilingual Information Management: Current Levels and Future Abilities (caché)
John Hutchins.The development and use of machine translation systems and computer-based translation tools
John Hutchins. Retrospect and prospect in computer-based translation (caché)
Jeffrey Allen and John Smart. Technical information creation and distribution (TICAD'99).
Juan Manuel de la Fuente. Glorias y miserias de la traducción automática. Ponencia presentada en las Jornadas "Lengua e Informática" organizadas por la Asociación de Técnicos de Informática – SIMO
Anuario del Instituto Cervantes. Sólo el 1,5% de webs utilizan el español, conclusiones del
Mercè Molist. Babylon, el programa israelí de traducción, se prepara para el árabe (caché)
CL/MT Group. Bibliographic Search
Alan K. Melby. Eight types of translation technology (pdf)
John Hutchins. Twenty years of Translating and the Computer (caché)
TMX Format (caché)
César Montoliu. La traducción automática en El Periódico de Catalunya
Lorna Balkan, Doug Arnold and Louisa Sadler. University of Essex.Tools and techniques for teaching MT
Carol Peters & Eugenio Picchi. Across Languages, Across Cultures Issues in Multilinguality and Digital Libraries (caché 1, 2, refs)
Daniel Loehr et al. Can humans help MT? (caché)
Translation-relevant software , by Peter A. Schmitt, Universitaet Mainz. (Last update: August 1996, caché) This is an updated version of a list of translation-related software first published in Germany in: Mitteilungsblatt for Dolmetscher und Uebersetzer MDUe 40(1994), Heft 3, pp 3-11. It includes, in alphabetical order, software products which are more or less relevant to translators and interpreters.
Martin Kay. Machine Translation: The Disappointing Past and Present. (caché)
Christian Boitet. Human Aided Machine Translation: A Better Future?
Alan K. Melby. Why Can't a Computer Translate More Like a Person? by Alan K. Melby (caché)
Doug Arnold, Balkan, L., Meijer, S., Humphreys, R.L. Sadler, L. Machine Translation: An Introductory Guide
P.F. Brown, J. Cocke, S. Della Pietra, V. Della Pietra, F. Jelinek, R. L. Mercer y P. Roosin. La estadística como método de traducción automática (esbozo de traducción)
Diana Santos. Lagunas léxicas y expresiones idiomáticas en TA (esbozo de traducción)
Sergei Nirenburg. KMBT: Traducción automática basada en el conocimiento (esbozo de traducción)
Isabelle, Dymetman, Mackovitch. CRITTER (esbozo de traducción)
El modelo de traducción de TAUM

Referencias para Abaitua 2001

Las Ahrenberg, Mikael Andersson and Magnus Merkel. 1998. A simple hybrid aligner for generating lexical correspondences in parallel texts. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics: 29-35.

I. Aldezabal, K. Gojenola, K. Sarasola, P. Goenaga. 1998. Subcategorización verbal vasca: propuesta inicial y herramienta de validación. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 23: 118-125.

J. M. Arriola, X. Artola, A. Maritxalar, A. Soroa. 1999. A methodology for the analysis of verb usage examples in a context of lexical knowledge acquisition from dictionary entries. Proceedings of LINC: 1-7.

Michael R. Brent. 1993. From grammar to lexicon: Unsupervised learning of lexical syntax. Computational Linguistics 19-2: 243-262.

I. Dagan and K. W. Church. 1994. Termight: Identifying and translating technical terminology. Proceedings from the Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing (ANLP'94): 34-40.

Daniel Jones and M. Alexa. 1997. Towards automatically aligning German compounds with English word groups. New Methods in Language Processing (eds. D. Jones and H. Somers). UCL Press.

Bonnie J. Dorr. 1993. Machine Translation: A view from the lexicon. MIT Press.

R. Simmons and J. Slocum. 1972. Generating English discourse from semantic networks. Communications of the ACM 15-10: 891-905.

M. Kitamura and Y. Matsumoto. 1996. Automatic extraction of word sequence correspondences in parallel corpora. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Workshop on Very Larga Corpora.

D. Kokkinakis. 1996. Towards automatic corpus-based argument identification. Proceedings of International Workshop on Predicative Forms in Natural Language and in Lexical Knowledge Bases: 45-53.

C. Manning. 1993. Automatic acquisition of a large subcategorisation dictionary form corpora. Proceedings of the31st Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics: 235-242.

M. Masterman. 1957. The thesaurus in syntax and semantics. Mechanical Translation 4:1-2.

I. Dan Melamed. 1997. Automatic discovery of non-compositional compounds in parallel data. Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing.

Juan Monedero, José C. González, José M. Goñi, Carlos A. Iglesias, Amalio F. Nieto. 1995. Obtención automática de marcos de subcategorización verbal a partir de texto etiquetado: el sistema SOAMAS. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 17: 241-254.

Sergei Nirenburg, Jaime Carbonell, M. Tomita, and K. Goodman. 1992. Machine Translation: A knowledge-based approach. Morgan Kaufmann.

Harold L. Somers. 1987. Valency and Case in Computational Linguistics. Edinburgh University Press.

F. Smadja, K. McKeown and V. Hatzivassiloglou. 1996. Translating collocations for bilingual lexicons: a statistical approach. Computational Linguistics 22-1: 1-38.

Evelyne Viegas, Stephen Beale and Sergei Nirenburg. 1998. The computational lexical semantics of syntagmatic relations. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics: 1328-1332.

Bennett, Paul. 1994. Translation Units in Human and Machine. Babel 40:12-20.

Harris, Brian. 1988. Bi-text: A New Concept in Translation Theory. Language Monthly 54:8-10.

Hatim, Basil & Ian Mason. 1990. Discourse and the Translator. Longman.

Huitfeldt, Claus. 1995. Multi-Dimensional Texts in a One-Dimensional Medium. Computers and the Humanities 28:235-241.

Larose, Robert. 1989. Thérories contemporaines de la traduction. Presses de l'Université du Québec.

Melby, Alan K. 1995. The Possibility of Language. A discussion of the nature of language with implications for human and machine translation. John Benjamins

Christiane Nord. 1991. Scopos, loyalty and translational conventions. Target 3-1:91-109.

Pustejovsky, James. 1993. Type coercion and lexical selection. Semantics and the Lexicon. 73-94. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Sager, Juan C. 1993. Language Engineering and Translation. Consequences of automation. John Benjamins.

Snell-Hornby, Mary. 1988. Translation Studies. John Benjamins.

Toury, Gideon. 1995. Descriptive Translation Studies and beyond. John Benjamins.

Trosborg, Anna. 1997. Text typology: register, genre and text types. Text typology and translation. 3-23. John Benjamins.

Vázquez-Ayora, Gerardo. 1977. Introducción a la Traductología. Georgetown University Press, Washington.

Vinay, J.P. & J. Darbelnet. 1958. Stylistique comparée du français et l'anglais. Didier, Paris.

Yorik Wilks, Dan Fass, Cheng-Ming Guo, James McDonald, Tony Plate and Brian Slator. 1993. Providing machine tractable dictionary tools. Pustejosvky (ed.). Semantics and the lexicon :341-402. Kluwer A.P.

Referencias para Abaitua 2000

Joseba Abaitua, Arantza Casillas, Raquel Martínez. 1997. Segmentación de corpus paralelos para memorias de traducción. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 21:17-30.

Joseba Abaitua, Arantza Casillas, Raquel Martínez. 1997. Tratamiento de textos administrativos bilingües: el proyecto LEGEBIDUN. Philologia Hispalensis 11-2:115-130.

Joseba Abaitua, Arantza Casillas, Raquel Martínez. 1998. Value added tagging for multilingual resource management. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Granada: 1003-1007.

Itziar Aduriz, Izaskun Aldezabal, Iñaki Alegría, Nerea Ezeiza, Ruben Urizar. 1996. Del analizador morfológico al etiquetador/lematizador: unidades léxicas complejas y desambiguación. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.

Itziar Aduriz, Jose Maria Arriola, Xabier Artola, Arantza Díaz de Ilarraza, Koldo Gojenola, A. Maritxalar. 1997. Morphosyntactic disambiguation for Basque based on the Constraint Grammar formalism. Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP'97).

Itziar Aduriz, Eneko Agirre, Izaskun Aldezabal, Iñaki Alegría, Jose Maria Arriola, Xabier Artola, Koldo Gojenola, A. Maritxalar, Kepa Sarasola, Miriam Urkia. 2000. A word-grammar based morphological analyzer for agglutinative languages. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'2000). Saarbrücken.

Salah Aït-Mokhtar y José Lázaro Rodrigo Mateos. 1995. Segmentación y análisis morfológico de textos en español utilizando el sistema SMORPH. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 17: 29-41.

Iñaki Alegria. 1995. Euskal morfologiaren tratamendu automatirako tresnak. Tesis doctoral. Universidad del País Vasco.

Alberto Álvarez Lugrís. 1999. Técnicas de representación en la lexicografía plurilingüe. Revista española de lingüística aplicada. Volumen monográfico: 215-245.

Jose Maria Arriola. 2000. Euskal Hiztegia-ren azterketa eta egituratzea ezagutza lexikalaren eskurateze automatikoari begira.Tesis doctoral. Universidad del País Vasco.

S. Atkins, J. Clear, N. Ostler. 1992. Corpus design criteria. Literary and Linguistic Computing 7-1: 1-16.

Jordi Atserias, Irene Castellón, M. Civit. 1998. Syntactic parsing of unrestricted Spanish text. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Granada.

Carme Bach, Roser Saurí, Jordi Vivaldi, M. Teresa Cabré. 1997. El Corpus de l'IULA. IULA/INF017/97 Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

Toni Badía. 1997. CATMORF: multi two-level steps for Catalan morphology. Applied Natural Language Processing (ANLP'97). Washington.

Mona Baker. 1996. Corpus-based translation studies: the challenges that lie ahead. Harold Somers (comp.) Terminology, LSP and translation: studies in language engineering in honour of Juan C. Sager. John Benjamins.

Mona Baker. 1999. The role of corpora in investigating the linguistic behaviour of professional translators. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 4-2: 1-18.

Núria Bel, J. Marimón y J. Porta. 1996. Etiquetado morfosintáctico de corpus en el proyecto MULTEXT. Actas del XXVI Simposio de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística. Madrid.

Douglas Biber y Edward Finegan. 1986. An initial typology of English text types. Jan Aarts y Willen Meijs (comp.) Corpus Linguistics II: New Studies in the Analysis and Exploitation of Computer Corpora. Rodopi: 19-46.

D. Birdsong. 1989. Metalinguistic performance and interlinguistic competence. Sringer-Verlag.

Lynne Bowker. 2000. Towards a methodology for exploring specilized target language corpora as translation resources. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 5(1): 17-52.

P.F. Brown, J. Cocke, S. Della Pietra, V. Della Pietra, F. Jelinek, R. L. Mercer y P. Roosin. 1990. A statistical approach to machine translation. Computational Linguistics 16-2.

P.F. Brown, J. Lai y R.L. Mercer. 1991. Aligning sentences in Parallel Corpora. Proceedings of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'91). Berkeley: 169-176.

Ralf D. Brown. 1996. Example-Based Machine Translation in the Pangloss System. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'96): 169-174.

T. Briscoe y J. Carroll. 1997. Automatic extraction of subcategorization from corpora. Proceedings of Applied Natural Language Processing (ANLP'97), Washington.

David Brooks. 2000. What prize globalization? Language International 12-1: 17-20.

Arantza Casillas. 2000. Explotación de corpus alineados para el desarrollo de entornos de composición de documentos estructurados bilingües. Tesis doctoral. Universidad de Deusto.

Arantza Casillas, Joseba Abaitua, Raquel Martínez. 1999. Extracción y aprovechamiento de DTDs emparejadas en corpus paralelos. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 25: 33-41.

Arantza Casillas, Joseba Abaitua y Raquel Martínez . 2000. DTD-driven bilingual document generation. International Natural Language Generation Conference (INLG'2000). Mitzpe Ramon, Israel.

Arantza Casillas, Joseba Abaitua y Raquel Martínez. 2000. Towards a Document Grammar Definition: Experiences from an aided document composition and translation tool. Extreme Markup Languages. Montreal

Arantza Casillas, Joseba Abaitua y Raquel Martínez. 2000. Recycling annotated corpora for bilingual document composition. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA'2000). Cuernavaca.

R. Catizione, G. Russel y S. Warwick. 1993. Deriving translation data from bilingual texts. Proceedings of the 1st International Lexical Acquisition Workshop. Detroit.

J.P. Chanod y P. Tapanainen. Tagging French. 1995. Comparing a statistical and a contraint-based method. Proceedings of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL'95), Dublín.

Karine Chevreau, José Coch, José A. García Moya, Margarita Alonso. 1999. Generación multilingüe de boletines meteorológicos. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 25: 51-58.

M. Collins. 1997. Three new probabilistic models for statistical parsing. Proceedings of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'97), Madrid.

M. Collins, J.Hajic, L. Ramshaw, C. Tillman. 1999. Statistical parsing for Czech. Proceedings of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'99), Maryland.

B. Daille, E. Gaussier, J.M. Lange. 1994. Towards automatic extraction of monolingual and bilingual terminology. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'94): 515-521.

I. Dagan, K. Church y W. A. Gale. 1993. Robust word alignment for machine aided translation. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Very Large Corpora. Columbus.

I. Dagan y K. Church. 1994. Termight: Identifying and translating technical terminology. Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing (ANLP'94): 34-40.

T. Erjavec, N. Ide,V. Petkevic, J. Véronis. 1996. Multext-East: Multilingual text tools and corpora for Central and Eastern European languages. Proceedings of the European TELRI Seminar: Language Resources for Language Technology, 87-98.

Rosa Estopà. 1999. Eficiencia en la extracción automática de terminología. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology 7-2: 277-286.

Nerea Ezeiza. 2000. Corpusak ustiatzeko tresna linguistikoak/ Herramientas lingüísticas para la exploración de corpus. Tesis doctoral. Universidad del País Vasco.

David Farwell, Stephen Helmreich, Mark Casper. 1995. SPOST: a Spanish part of speech tagger. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 17: 42-53

Pascale Fung. 1995. Compiling bilingual lexicon entries from a non-paralell English-Chinese corpus. Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Very Large Corpora. Boston.

Núria Gala. 1999. Using the incremental finite-state architecture to create a Spanish shallow parser. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 25: 75-82.

W. A. Gale y K. W. Church. 1991. Identifying word correspondences in parallel texts. Proceedings of the 4th DARPA Speech and Natural Language Workshop: 152-157.

W. A. Gale y K. W. Church. 1993. A program for aligning sentences in bilingual corpora. Computational Linguistics 19-1: 75-102.

J. Gilarranz, Julio Gonzalo y Felisa Verdejo. 1997. Language-independent text retrieval with the EuroWordNet multilingual semantic database. Workshop on multilinguality in software industry: the AI contribution. Proceedings fo the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'97).

Gregory Grefenstette. 1998. Cross-language information retrieval. Kluwer Academic Press.

Koldo Gojenola. 2000. Euskararen sintaxi konputazionalerantz. Tesis doctoral. Universidad del País Vasco.

Koldo Gojenola y M. Oronoz. 2000. Corpus-based syntactic error detection using syntactic patterns. Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop at Applied Natural Language Processing (ANLP'2000). Seattle.

Javier Gómez Guinovart. 1999. La escritura asistida por ordenador. Universidad de Vigo.

Javier Gómez Guinovart y Anxo M. Lorenzo Suárez. 1996. Lingüística e informática. Ediciones Tórculo.

J. Hajic y B. Hladká. 1998. Tagging inflective languages: prediction of morphological categories for a rich, structured tagset. Proceedings of the Association for Computational Linguistics (COLING-ACL'98). Montreal.

Jos Hallebeek. 1999. El corpus paralelo. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 24: 49-55.

A. Hartley C. Paris. 1997. Multilingual document production from support for translating to support for authoring. Machine Translation, 12:109-128.

Amparo Hurtado (comp.) 1994. Estudis sobre la traducció. Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I.

Nancy Ide y J. Véronis. 1994. MULTEXT (Multilingual Text Tools and Corpora). Proceedings of the International Wordshop on Shareable Natural Language Resources: 90-96.

Mats Johansson. 1996. Fronting in English and Swedish: a text based contrastive analysis. Percy y otros (comp.): 29-39.

Stig Johansson y Jarle Ebeling. 1994. Exploring the English-Norwegian parallel corpus. Udo Fries, Totti Gunnel y Peter Schneider. Creating and using English language corpora. Rodopi.

Daniel Jones. 1996. Analogical Natural Language Processing. UCL Press.

Noziko Kando y A. Aizawa. 1998. Cross-lingual information retrieval using automatic generated multilingual keyword clusters. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Information Retrieval with Assian Languages.

F. Karlsson, A. Voutilainen, J. Heikkilä, A. Anttila. 1995. Constraint Grammar: a language independent system for parsing unrestricted text. Mouton de Gruyter.

Philip King. 1997. Parallel Corpora for translator training. Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk and Patrick James Melia (comp.) PALC '97 Practical Applications in Language Corpora. Lodz University Press. 393-402.

R. Kittredge. 1989. Multilingual Text Generation as an Alternative to Machine Translation. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the American Translators Association: 465-469.

J. Klavans y E. Tzoukermann. 1995. Combining corpus and machine translation dictionary data for building bilingual lexicons. Machine Translation 10: 185-218.

A. Kumano y H. Hirakawa. 1994. Building an MT dictionary from paralell texts based on linguistics and statistical information. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'94): 76-81.

J. Kupiec. 1993. An algorithm for finding noun phrase correspondance in bilinbual corpora. Proceedings of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'93): 17-22.

Stig Johansson y Jarle Ebeling. 1996. Exploring the English-Norwegian parallel corpus. Percy y otros (comp.): 3-15.

L. Langlois. 1996. Bilingual concordances: A new tool for bilingual lexicographers. Proceedings of the Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA'96).

M. Lapta. 1999. Acquiring lexical generalizations from corpora: a case study of diathesis alternations. Proceedings of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'99). Maryland.

Julia Lavid. 1995. From interpersonal options to thematic realization in multilingual administrative forms. Working notes of the IJCA'95 workshop on multilingual text generation: 75-83.

Julia Lavid. 1996. Generating thematic choices for multilingual text generation. Book of the ALLC-ACH'96. A. Lindebjerg, E. Ore y O. Reigem (comp.) Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humanities: 183-188.

Sara Laviosa. 1997. How comparable can 'comparable corpora' be? Target, 9-2: 289-319.

Sara Laviosa. 1998. The English Comparable Corpus: A resource and a methodology. Lynne Bowker, Michael Cronin, Dorothy Kenny y Jennifer Pearson (comp.). Unity in Diversity? Current Trends in Translation Studies. St. Jerome Publishing.

Geofrey Leech. 1993. Corpus annotation schemes. Literary and Linguistic Computing 8-4: 257-281.

Geofrey Leech, R. Garside, E. Atwell. 1983. The automatic grammatical tagging of teh LOB corpus. ICAME news 7:13-33-

Rose Lockwood. 1998. Global English and language market trends. Language International 10-4: 16-18.

Pedro Maestre Yenes. 1999. La utilización de las diferentes lenguas en Internet. Centro Virtual Cervantes.

Fernando Magán Muñoz. 1996. Estándares de representación da información textual e multimedia. Gómez y Lorenzo (comp.): 153-186.

Francisco A. Marcos Marín. 1991. ADMYTE (Archivo Digital de Manuscritos y Textos Españoles); the Digital Archive of Spanish Manuscripts and Texts. Literary and Linguistic Computing 6-3: 221-224.

Francisco A. Marcos Marín. 1994. Informática y Humanidades. Gredos.

Lluis Márquez y Lluis Padró. 1997. A flexible POS tagger using an automatically acquired language model. Proceedings of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'97): 238-245.

Mitch Marcus, B. Santorini. 1991. Building very large natural language corpora: the Penn Treebank. CIS Report. University of Pennsylvania.

Raquel Martínez. 1999. Alineación automática de corpus paralelos: una propuesta metodológica y su aplicación a un dominio de especialidad. Tesis doctoral. Universidad de Deusto.

Raquel Martínez, Joseba Abaitua, Arantza Casillas. 1998. Bitext correspondences through rich markup. Proceedings of the Association for Computational Linguistics (COLING-ACL'98), Montreal: 812-818.

Raquel Martínez, Joseba Abaitua, Arantza Casillas. 1998. Aligning tagged bitexts. Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Very Large Corpora, Montreal: 102-109.

Tony McEnery y Michael Oakes. 1996. Sentence and word alignment in the CRATER proyect. Thomas y otros (comp.): 211-231.

Tony McEnery y Andrew Wilson. 1996. Corpus Linguistics. Edinburgh University Press.

D. McKelvie y H.S. Thompson. 1994. TEI-Conformant Structural of a Trilingual Parallel Corpus in the ECI Multilingual Corpus 1. Proceedings of the International Wordshop on Sharable Natural Language Resources: 108-112.

César Montoliu. 1998. La traducción automática en El Periódico de Catalunya. Puntoycoma 51: 6-8.

Makoto Nagao. 1984. A framework of a mechanical translation between Japanese and English by analogy principle. Elithorn and Nanerji.

Junsaku Nakamura. 1991. The relationships among genres in the LOB corpus based upon the distribution of grammatical tags. Jacet Bulletin 22: 55-74.

G.T. Nicol. 1995. The Multilingual World Wide Web. Electronic Book Technologies.

Christiane Nord. 1994. Traduciendo funciones. Hurtado (comp.) 97-112.

Christiane Nord. 1997. A Functional typology of translations. Anna Trosborg (ed.) Text typology and translation :43-65. John Benjamins.

D. W. Oard y B.J. Dorr. 1996. A survey of multilingual text retrieval. Technical Report UMIACS-TR-96-19. University of Maryland.

D. W. Oard. 1997. Alignment of Spanish and English TREC topic descriptions. 5th TREC Conference (TREC-5).

K. Oflazer, D. Zeynep, H. Tür, G. Tür. 1999. Design for a Turkish treebank. Proceedings of Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora (EACL'99), Bergen.

Signe Oksefjell. 1999. A description of the English-Norwegian parallel corpus: Compilation and further developments. IJCL 4(2): 197-219.

M.T. Pazienza. 1998. Information Extraction: A multi-disciplinary approach to an emerging information technology. Springer-Verlag.

Javier Pérez Guerra. 1998. Introducción a la lingüística de corpus: un ejercicio con herramientas informáticas aplicadas al análisis textual. Ediciones Tórculo.

Chantal Pérez Hernández, Antonio Moreno Ortiz y Pamela Faber. 1999. Lexicografía computacional y lexicografía de corpus. Revista española de lingüística aplicada. Volumen monográfico: 175-213.

Carol Peters y Eugenio Picchi. 1997. Across languages, across cultures: issues in multilinguality and digital libraries. D-Lib Magazine.

Eugenio Picchi y Carol Peters. 1996. Cross-language information retrieval: a system for comparable corpus querying. Working Notes of the Workshop on Cross-Linguistic Information Retrieval, ACM SIGIR'96, 24-33.

M. Pino y M. O. Santalla. 1996. Codificación morfosintáctica de corpus en lenguaje SGML. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 20: 101-117.

Maria Piotrowska. 1997. Criteria for selecting parallel texts in teaching a translation course. Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk and Patrick James Melia (comp.) PALC '97 Practical Applications in Language Corpora. Lodz University Press. 411-420.

Rosa Rabadán. 1994. Traducción, intertextualidad, manipulación. Hurtado (comp.): 129-139.

C. Samuelsson y A. Voutilainen. 1997. Comparing a linguistic and a stochastic tagger. Proceedings of Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'97). Madrid: 246-251.

A Sánchez y P. Cantos. 1997. Predictability of word forms (types) and lemma in linguistic corpora. A case study based on the analysis of the CUMBRE corpus: an 8 million word corpus of contemporary Spanish. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 2-2: 259-280.

Fernando Sánchez-León. 1995. Desarrollo de un etiquetador morfosintáctico para el español. Procesamieto del Lenguaje Natural 17:14-28.

Fernando Sánchez-León, Jordi Porta, José Luis Sancho, Amalio Nieto, Almudena Ballester, Adelaida Fernández, Javier Gómez, Laura Gómez, Encarnación Raigal, Rafael Ruiz. 1999. La anotación de los corpus CREA y CORDE. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 25: 175-182.

Berber A. P. Sardinha. 1997. Patterns of lexis in original and translated business reports: textual differences and similarities. Karl Simms (comp.) Translating sensitive texts: linguistic aspects. Rodopi. 147-153.

Harold Somers. 1992. Interactive multilingual text generation for a monolingual user. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation (TIM'92):151-161.

S. Sato y M. Nagao. 1990. Toward Memory-based Translation. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'90). Helsinki: 247-252.

Josef Schmied y Hildegard Schäffler. 1996. Approaching translationese through parallel and translation corpora. Percy y otros (comp). 41-56.

P. Sheridan y J.P. Ballerini. 1996. Experiments in multilingual information retrieval using the SPIDER system. Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGIR Conference, 58- 65.

W. Skut, T. Brants, B. Krenn, H. Uszkoreit. 1998. A linguistically interpreted corpus of German newspaper text. Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'98), Granada.

Frank Smadja, Kathleen MaKeown y Vasileios Hatzivassiloglou. 1996. Translating collocations for bilingual lexicons: A statistical approach. Computational Linguistics 22-1:1-38.

C.M. Sperberg-McQueen y Lou Burnard (comp.) 1994. Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange.

Robert Sprung. 1999. Crossing cultures: Time magazine opens new markets with Spanish and Portuguese editions. Language International 11-6: 22-25.

Michael Stubbs. 1996. Text and corpus analysis: computer-assisted studies of language and culture. Blackwell.

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References for Abaitua 1999

Manuel Breva. 1996. Some pragmatic, form, and content difficulties in the field of translation. ES. Revista de filología inglesa. 20:119-131.

Lewis Carroll. 1970. The Annotated Alice. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. Edited by Martin Gardner. Penguin Books. Spanish version 1989. Alicia en el país de las maravillas. Translation and commentary by Jaime de Ojeda. Seix Barral.

Deusto's Club of Linguists, Computer Scientists and Engineers (DELI). Complejidad: partidas de ajedrez vs. sonetos libres.

Bert Esselink. 1998. A practical guide to software localization. John Benjamins.

Douglas Hofstadter. 1998. Le Ton beau de Marot: In Praise of the Music of Language. HarperCollins Publishers.

Martin Kay. 1992. Foreword. In W. John Hutchins & Harold L. Somers. An Introduction to Machine Translation. Academic Press.

Martin Kay. 1997. The Proper Place of Men and Machines in Language Translation. Machine Translation 13:3-23.

Localization Industrial Standards Association (LISA):

LISA Education Initiative Taskforce (LEIT):

Vand der Meer. 1997. On localization. Language International 9.5:43.

Ángel Rupérez. 1998. Shakespeare Revisado. Babelia-El País 8.8.1998:12.

Robert Sprung. 1998. A word with Hofstadter. Language International 10.1:32-36.

Eric S. Raymond. 2001. The Cathedral & the Bazaar. O'Reilly .

Open Source Initiative (OSI)

Selfreferences 2000 (see updated version)

Arantza Casillas, Joseba Abaitua y Raquel Martínez. 2000. Recycling annotated paralell corpora for bilingual document composition. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA'2000), Cuernavaca, México.

Arantza Casillas, Joseba Abaitua y Raquel Martínez. 2000. Toward a Document-grammar definition: Experiences with an aided document composition and translation tool. Extreme Markup Languages, Montreal, Canadá.

Joseba Abaitua. 2000. Tratamiento de corpora bilingües, La ingeniería lingüística en la sociedad de la información. Fundación Duques de Soria, Soria.

Inés Jacob, Josuka Díaz y Joseba Abaitua. 2000. Obtención automática de repertorios de ejercicios de programación mediante tecnologías XML/XSL. Jornadas Conocimiento, métodos y tecnologías de la educación a distancia, UNED, Palencia.

Arantza Casillas, Joseba Abaitua, R. Martínez. 1999. Extracción y aprovechamiento de DTDs emparejadas en corpus paralelos. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 25: 33-41.

Arantza Casillas, Joseba Abaitua y Raquel Martínez . 2000. DTD-driven bilingual document generation. International Natural Language Generation Conference, Mitzpe Ramon, Israel.

Joseba Abaitua 1999. Quince años de traducción automática en España. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology. 7-2: 221-230. Traducido al catalán en Digit.HUM de la UOC, Quinze anys de traducció automàtica a l’Estat espanyol ,

Joseba Abaitua 1999. Is it worth learning translation technology? Training translators and interpreters: New directions for the Millennium. III Jornades de Traducció: 209-220, Universitat de Vic.

Joseba Abaitua, Arantza Casillas, Raquel Martínez. 1998. Value Added Tagging for Multilingual Resource Management. First International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation: 1003-1008. ELRA, Granada (TeX 28 Kb.; PS 300 Kb.).

Raquel Martínez, J. Abaitua, Arantza Casillas. 1998. Bitext Correspondences through Rich Mark-up Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: 812-818. Montreal (TeX 33 Kb.).

Raquel Martínez, J. Abaitua, Arantza Casillas. 1998. Aligning tagged bitexs. Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Very Large Corpora. Montreal.

Joseba Abaitua, Arantza Casillas, Raquel Martínez. 1997. Tratamiento de textos administrativos bilingües: El proyecto LEGEBIDUNA. Philología Hispalensis. Procesamiento de lenguaje natural. XI-2:115-130

Joseba Abaitua, Arantza Casillas, Raquel Martínez. 1997. Lexicological and Terminological Developments in the LEGEBIDUNA project. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Spanish Language Processing Technologies. CRL-NMSU, Santa Fe, EEUU.

Joseba Abaitua, Arantza Casillas, Raquel Martínez. 1997. Segmentación de corpus paralelos para memorias de traducción. En Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 21: 17-30.

Joseba Abaitua, Arantza Casillas, Raquel Martínez. 1997. Bilingual Parallel Text Segmentation and Tagging for Specialized Documentation. En Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP'97) :314-318. Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria.