
Below you can find a list of the most relevant and published research results. Feel free to contact me if you want a copy of any article, and please cite the paper if you found it useful in your current research.


Ph.D. Thesis
  • Ruiz-Agundez, I. (2012), 'Knowledge Discovery Techniques to Improve the Services of Internet Economics', PhD thesis, University of Deusto.
Master's Thesis
  • Ruiz-Agundez, I. (2012), 'Módulo de autenticación mediante el DNIe', Master's thesis, University of Deusto.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
  • Zabala, A. G. & Ruiz-Agundez, I. (2012), 'Dokumentuak ere konpilatu daitezke. LaTeX-ekin formateaturiko dokumentuak sortzen', Deusto ingenieria 13, 60-63.
  • Ruiz-Agundez, I.; Penya, Y. K. & Bringas, P. G. (2012), 'Cloud Computing Services Accounting', International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (IJACR), 7--17.
  • Guidi, M.; Ruiz-Agundez, I. & Canga-Sanchez, I. (2012), Knowledge Mining from the Twitter Social Network. The case of Barack Obama in Ajith Abraham, ed., 'Computational Social Networks', Springer, pp. 211-229.
  • Ruiz-Agundez, I. & Bringas, P. G. (2012), Service Authentication via electronic identification cards. VoIP service authentication through the DNIe, in 'Proceedings of the 2012 Service Research & Innovation Institute (SRII) Global Conference', IEEE, California, USA, pp. 602-607.


Journal Articles and Book Chapters
  • Ruiz-Agundez, I. (2011), 'Collaborative writing with Google Docs', TUGboat, The Communications of the TeX Users Group 32(3), 335-338.
  • Sordo, J. P.; Ruiz-Agundez, I.; de Uralde Huarte, J. L. & Bringas, P. G. (2011), 'El proyecto ZIURFONE hace más seguras nuestras comunicaciones de VoIP', Deusto ingenieria 12, 56-58.
  • Zabala, A. G. & Ruiz-Agundez, I. (2011), 'Kluster analisia, multzokatze tekniken gakoak', Deusto ingenieria 12, 62-63.
  • Ruiz-Agundez, I. & Nieves, J. (2011), 'EURion konstelazioa eguneroko billeteetan', Elhuyar zientzia eta teknologia 272, 50-53.
  • Penya, Y. K.; Ruiz-Agundez, I. & Bringas, P. G.. Skrobanek, P., ed., (2011), Integral Misuse and Anomaly Detection and Prevention System in Pawel Skrobanek, ed., 'Intrusion Detection Systems', InTech, pp. 155-172.
  • Ruiz-Agundez, I.; Canga-Sanchez, I. & Guidi, M. (2011), Barack Obamaren edo beste norbaiten tweet-etatik mamia ateraz, in 'Informatikari Euskaldunen VIII. Bilkura (IEB2011: Gizarte-sareak)', Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea, Donostia/San Sebastian, Basque Country.
  • Ruiz-Agundez, I.; Penya, Y. K. & Bringas, P. G. (2011), Network planning of a VoIP-capable PBX. The use of data profiling techniques for an efficient network planning, in 'Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Data Communication Networking (DCNET) 2011', SciTePress, Seville, Spain, pp. 85-88.
  • Ruiz-Agundez, I.; Penya, Y. K. & Bringas, P. G. (2011), A Flexible Accounting Model for Cloud Computing, in 'Proceedings of the 2011 Service Research & Innovation Institute (SRII) Global Conference', IEEE, California, USA, pp. 277-284.


Journal Articles and Book Chapters
  • Ruiz-Agundez, I. & Nieves, J. (2010), 'EURion konstelazioaren bila', Deusto ingenieria 11, 54-57.
  • Ruiz-Agundez, I.; Penya, Y. K. & Bringas, P. G. (2010), Fraud Detection for Voice over IP Services on Next-Generation Networks, in P. Samarati et al., ed., 'Information Security Theory and Practices: Security and Privacy of Pervasive Systems and Smart Devices. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6033', Springer, pp. 199-212. Also published as conference proceedings.
  • Ruiz-Agundez, I.; Penya, Y. K. & Bringas, P. G. (2010), A Taxonomy of the Future Internet Accounting Process, in 'Proceedings of ADVCOMP 2010 : The Fourth International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences', IARIA, Florence, Italy, pp. 111-117.
  • Ruiz-Agundez, I.; Penya, Y. K. & Bringas, P. G. (2010), Tarificacion flexible de servicios en Internet, in 'Proceedings of the XX Jornadas de Telecom I+D', Telefonica, Valladolid, Spain.
  • Nieves, J.; Ruiz-Agundez, I. & Bringas, P. G. (2010), Recognizing Banknote Patterns for Protecting Economic Transactions, in A M. Tjoa & R.R. Wagner, ed.,'Proceedings of the Twenty-First International workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications', IEEE , Bilbao, Basque Country, pp. 247-249.
  • Ruiz-Agundez, I.; Penya, Y. K. & Bringas, P. G. (2010), Optimal Bayesian Network Design for Efficient Intrusion Detection, in 'Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI 2010)', IEEE, Rzeszow, Poland, pp. 444-451.
  • Ruiz-Agundez, I.; Penya, Y. K. & Bringas, P. G. (2010), Fraud Detection for Voice over IP Services on Next-Generation Networks, in P. Samarati et al., ed.,'Proceedings of the 4th Workshop in Information Security Theory and Practices (WISTP 2010)', Springer, Passau, Germany, pp. 199-212. The original publication is available at
  • Ruiz-Agundez, I.; Bringas, P. G. & Penya, Y. K. (2010), Addressing the Billing Needs for the Internet of Services and Things, in 'Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Information Systems', IADIS, Porto, Portugal, pp. 579-582.
  • Lequerica, I.; Ruiz-Agundez, I. & et al. (2010), Vehicular Networks and Services, eMOV AEI, 8, 9, 11.


Journal Articles and Book Chapters
  • Ruiz-Agundez, I. & Penya, Y. K. (2009), Fraud Detection For Next-Generation Network, in Susana Schwartz, ed., 'Case Study Handbook. 30 Real-World Service Provider and Vendor Solutions Using TM Forum Best Practices & Frameworks', TeleManagement Forum, pp. 19.
  • Ruiz-Agundez, I. (2009), 'Web Semantikoari sarrera', ESIDE 10, 36-38.
Standars Specifications
  • Ruiz-Agundez, I. (2009), 'Edits of: Service Specification - Voice over IP (VoIP)', TeleManagement Forum.


  • De la computación a la ciencia, El Correo 2 September 2010.
  • El abracadabra de los tiempos modernos, Deia, 2 September 2010.
  • Softwareak ere libre izan nahi du, Berria, 24 July 2010.
  • Patentes de software, Gara, 3 May 2005.