R&D Projects

Linked Data Social Coffee Maker

Duration: 2012-2015
Type: Internal project
Project Managers: Juan López-de-Armentia and Diego Casado-Mansilla

This project is related with the theses of Diego Casado Mansilla and Juan López de Armentia. The project started with a proof-of-concept in a MORElab's workshop and now is the basis for their research. The coffee maker is the first instance of an Eco-aware everyday thing (term coined by the coffee maker creators). From the one side, the appliance is able to learn its usage pattern and to prompt suggestive and persuasive cues to coffee consumers about to the most energy-efficient way to operate it. From the other side, the coffee maker is able to communicate with distant but similar appliances to learn their usage pattern in order to reduce the cold start problem. Finally the project is moving towards the linked data sphere: The coffee maker is now able to sense its energy data and to store the breakdown of it in a remote Database as RDF triples. These data could be matched with any open dataset.


Duration: 2011-2013
Supported by: ETORGAI 2011, Departamento de Industria, Innovación, Comercio y Turismo , Gobierno Vasco, ER-2011/00018
Funding: 50.053 €: 11.040€ (2011), 16.000 € (2012) y 23.013 € (2013)
ConsortiumEUSKALTEL, DORLET, THAUMAT, IKUSI, NTS, SYMPLIO, ZIV MEDIA (subcontracted by Symplio)
Project Manager: Juan López-de-Armentia (Dr. Diego López-de-Ipiña)

The 4GIZAR project aims to research and develop technologies, products and processes that foster the deployment of LTE networks in the Basque Country, together with their rapid adoption both by industry and by society.

THOFU: Tecnologías del Hotel del Futuro

Duration: 2010-2013
Supported by: Sexta Convocatoria Programa de Consorcios Estratégicos Nacionales en Investigación Técnica (CENIT) 2010, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Lead by: Informática Gesfor. Subcontracted by: Andago Ingeniería, PARADIGMA TECNOLÓGICO, TREELOGIC.
Funding: 544.050 €: 130060 € (2011), 223760 € (2012) y 190230 € (2013)
Project Manager: Dr. Diego López de Ipiña

THOFU nace como un gran proyecto colaborativo y multidisciplinar de I+D de investigación en nuevos conceptos de turismo, y cómo estos conceptos guían la investigación de tecnologías y el desarrollo de conceptos tecnológicos para habilitar una oferta abierta de servicios avanzados, diferentes y exclusivos, en torno al hotel. El proyecto pretende potenciar la oferta del sector hotelero mediante la investigación conjunta en una nueva concepción del hotel del futuro, desde los espacios y su construcción, pasando por los objetos que residen en él, y sin olvidar la interacción con los huéspedes, así como la simbiosis con Internet. Un reclamo turístico con el que combatir el estancamiento de un sector clave en España, del que dependen muchos otros subsectores que se convertirían en beneficiarios adicionales.

LifeWear (Mobilized Lifestyle with Wearables)

Duration: 2010-2012
Supported by: Acción Estratégica de Telecomunicaciones y Sociedad de la Información. Año 2010, Avanza Competitividad I+D+I (TSI-020400-2010-100)
Funding: 2.296,32 (as direct funding) + 5.652,48 (as credit) (2010), 5.179,20 + 12.748,80 (2011) and 7.051,20 + 17.356,80(2012)
ConsortiumSAI Wireless S.L.U., Tejidos Estambril S.A., Information & Image Management Systems S. A., Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo S.A.U., Treelogic, Comversa, Asoc. de investigación de la industria textil, Asoc. de Investigación y Cooperación Industrial de Andalucía "F de Paula Rojas", Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia y Universidad de Deusto
Project Manager: Dr. Diego López de Ipiña

LifeWear (Mobilized Lifestyle with Wearables) aims at improving its users' quality of life through non-intrusive sensors and wearable devices. The project will allow to develop the use of intelligent and physiological monitoring to get to know the different body conditions so that actions and critical security and health problems can be monitored and controlled in real time.