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Most of the newest Smart Phones feature a camera and some programming APIs which offer the capability to program the capture of images and their delivery to processing servers via Bluetooth (local) or GPRS (global) communication mechanisms. These factors motivated our adaptation of the TRIP technology to camera phones. Our goal is to make mobile phones reactive not only to our explicit interactions (key presses) and network events (incoming call), but also to the objects and services at the location where the user is. In essence, we aim to add sensing capabilities to mobile phones. Our effort in this respect has resulted into the implementation of the MobileEye system.



The figure above shows the MobileEye application concept. An owner of a Smart Phone running the MobileEye application approaches to a piece of art tagged with a TRIP ringcode. She points her camera phone to the ringcode. The application automatically captures an image of the ringcode, sends it to a processing server, receives the processing results and displays the additional information recovered on the user terminal.

The MobileEye system enables the user to receive augmented, enriched views of tagged objects in the user surroundings. However, it is not limited to simply offer additional, explanatory, information about entities. It can also depict operation interfaces, rendered by the MobileEye player component. Thus, the user can interact with the object spotted. For example, when the user approaches to the front door of her office, she can point her mobile to the ringcode placed next to it. As a result of it, the application will show the user a graphical interface through which she can introduce a PIN number and deliver it to the access control server. If the PIN introduced is correct the door will be opened for the user.

In MobileEye, every object we want to interact with is associated to a web service. When we want to obtain extra information about an object or issue a command to it, we are really interacting with the web service counterpart of the object. In fact, we are simply invoking methods on the web services (e.g. DoorWebService or PaintingWebService).

Below you have links to access the MobileEye system server-side and to download and install the client application in your mobile phone.  Your phone must be Java-enabled and come bundled with the MMAPI (Mobile Multimedia API) optional extension.

Download MobileEye MIDlet
Client-side application of the system

Access to the MobileEye Server
Administrative and image processing side of MobileEye


Send mail to d i p i n a [at] e s i d e [dot] d e u s t o [dot] e s with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: 24-07-06