Head of Deusto LearningLab groupLecturer at Deusto Faculty of Engineering
More About MePhD in computer engineering, I am lecturer at the Engineering Faculty - University of Deusto, since 1998, and director of Deusto LearningLab group (http://learninglab.deusto.es/) since 2011. I obtained my PhD with the thesis “Integral Accessibility of Digital Resource Centres for People with Visual Disability”. My research interests focus on the innovative use of technology in STEAM* education, learning analytics and game-based learning. I teach subjects related to computer programming, human-computer interaction and information visualization. I participate in several European projects aiming at improving STEM education, developing computational thinking skills among primary and secondary school students, and raising their interest towards technology, especially among girls. I also participate and organize several dissemination and knowledge transference actions to reach the educational community and improve the STEAM education with the result of our work.
*STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Maths).
I am lecturer at the Engineering Faculty and lead Deusto LearningLab group. This involes a lot of activity that I am passionate about:
Thesis title: "Integral accessibility of digital resource centres for people with visual disability"
El pasado 11 de febrero, con motivo del Día de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia, tuvo lugar el encuentro de la Alianza STEAM bajo el lema “Niñas en pie de Ciencia”.
El acto estuvo presidido por el presidente de Gobierno, Pedro Sanchez, y participaron también la ministra de Educación y Formación Profesional, Pilar Alegría; la ministra de Ciencia e Innovación, Diana Morant; y la ministra de Igualdad, Irene Montero; además de la presidenta del Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Rosa Menéndez y la investigadora y desarrolladora del primer exoesqueleto biónico para niñas y niños, Elena García Armada. Asimismo, han asistido unas 50 niñas de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Universidad.
Office: Faculty of Engineering
University of Deusto
Phone: +34 944 13 90 00