
Selected articles and books on Parallel text processing, Corpus linguistics, Translation studies, and Machine Translation

Adriaens, G. and D. Schreurs (1992). From Cogram to Alcogram: Toward a Controlled English Grammar Checker. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of Computational Linguistics (Coling-92). Nantes: 595-601.

Adriaens, G. and L. Macken (1995). Technological evaluation of a controlled language application: precision, recall and convergence tests for SECC. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation. Leuven: 123-141.

Agnäs, M.-S., H. Alshawi, et al. (1994). Spoken Language Translator: First-Year Report. Stockholm, Swedish Institute of Computer Science.

Ahrenberg, L. and M. Merkel (1996). On Translation Corpora and Translation Support Tools: A Project Report. Languages in Contrast. Text-based cross-linguistic studies. B. Altenberg and K. Aijmeer. Lund, Lund University Press.

Ahrenberg, L. and M. Merkel (1997). Språkliga effekter av översättningssystem. Svenskan i IT-samhället. O. Josephson. Uppsala, Hallgren & Fallgren: 96-116.

Allén, S., M. Gellerstam, et al. (1989). Orden speglar samhället. Stockholm, Allmänna förlaget.

Apple (1994). Apples terminologihandbok. Stockholm, Apple Computer AB.

Arnold, D. (1990). Text typology and machine translation: an overview. Translating and the Computer 10. P. Mayorcas. London, Aslib.

Arnold, D., L. Balkan, et al. (1994). Machine Translation - An Introductory Guide. Oxford, Ncc Blackwell Ltd.

Baker, M. (1993). Corpus Linguistics and Translation Studies – Implications and Applications. Text and Technology. M. Baker, G. Francis and E. Tognine-Bonelli. Philadelphia/Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company: 233-252.

Baker, M. (1995). "Corpora in Translation Studies - An Overview and Some Suggestions for Future Research." Target 7((2)): 223-243.

Baker, M. (1996). Corpus-based translation studies: The challenges that lie ahead. Terminology, LSP and Translation. H. Somers. Amsterdam, Benjamins: 175-186.

Basili, R., M. T. Pazienza, et al. (1992). "A Shallow Syntactic Analyzer to Extract Word Associations from Corpora." Literary and Linguistic Computing 7(2): 113-123.

Battison, R. (1991). MAT Tools Swedish Industry Survey. Stockholm, IBM Nordic Laboratories.

Bennet, W. S. (1995). Machine Translation and Multilingual Technical Communication. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference of the Society for Technical Communication (STC). Washington: 301-303.

Bennett, P. (1996). Machine Translation as a Model of Human Translation. International Translation Studies Conference, "Unity in Diversity", Dublin.

Bédard, C. (1996). Juggling with Words: Some Insights from the Human Translator. Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA-96). Montreal: 24-33.

Blomquist, L.-E. and M. Löfgren, Eds. (1997). Något att orda om - Tankar kring konsten att översätta, Norstedts.

Boitet, C. (1990). Towards Personal MT: general design, dialogue structure, potential role of speech. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of Computational Linguistics (Coling-90). Helsinki.

Brislin, R. W. (1976). Introduction. Translation - Applications and Research. R. W. Brislin. New York, Gardner Press: 1-44.

Brown, P. F., J. Cocke, et al. (1988). A Statistical Approach to Language Translation. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. Budapest.

Brown, P. F., J. C. Lai, et al. (1991). Aligning sentences in parallel corpora. Proceedings from 29th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL-91): 169-176.

Brown, R. D. (1996). Example-Based Machine Translation in the Pangloss System. Proceedings from the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-96). Copenhagen: 169-174.

Brown, R. D. (1998). Automatically-Extracted Thesauri for Cross-Language IR: When Better is Worse.. Proceedings of Computerm '98 (First Workshop of Computational Terminology). Montreal: 15-21.

Cabré, T. (1996). Terminology today. Terminology, LSP and Translation. H. Somers. Amsterdam, Benjamins: 15-34.

Chandioux, J. and A. Grimaila (1996). "Specialized" Machine Translation. Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA-96). 1996: 206-211.

Chang, J. J. S. and S.-J. Ker (1996). Aligning More Words with High Precision for Small Bilingual Corpora. Proceedings from the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-96). Copenhagen: 210-215.

Chen, K.-H. and H.-H. Chen (1994). Extracting Noun Phrases from Large-Scale Texts: a Hybrid Approach and Its Automatic Evaluation. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics: 9-16.

Chen, K.-H. and H.-H. Chen (1994). Aligning Sentences in Bilingual Corpora Using Lexical Information. Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics: 9-16.

Choueka, Y. (1988). Looking for needles in a haystack. Proceedings from RIAO 88, User-oriented Content-based Text and Image Handling: 609-623.

Church, K. W. and P. Hanks (1990). "Word association norms, mutual information and lexicography." Computational Linguistics 16(1): 22-29.

Church, K. W. (1993). A Program for Aligning Parallel Texts at the Character Level. Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: 1-8.

Church, K. W. and E. H. Hovy (1993). "Good Applications for Crummy Machine Translation." Machine Translation 8(1): 239-258.

Church , K. W. and W. A. Gale (1995). Inverse Document Frequency (IDF): A Measure of Deviations from Poisson. Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Very Large Corpora, Cambridge: 121-130.

Collier, R. (1994). N-Gram Cluster Identification During Empirical Knowledge Representation Generation. Proceedings from the 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling-94). Kyoto: 1054-1058.

Corpus, B. N. (1999). The British National Corpus, (Access date: 99-03-16).

Dagan, I. and K. W. Church (1994). Termight: Identifying and Translating Technical Terminology. Proceedings from the Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing (ANLP-94): 34-40.

Dagan, I., F. Pereira, et al. (1994). Similarity-Based Estimation of Word Cooccurrence Probabilities. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-94).

Dagan, I. and K. W. Church (1997). "Termight: Coordinating Humans and Machines in Bilingual Terminology Translation." Machine Translation 12(1-2): 89-107.

Daille, B. (1994). Study and Implementation of Combined Techniques for Automatic Extraction of Terminology. Proceedings of the workshop The Balancing Act - Combining Symbolic and Statistical Approaches to Language.

Dale, R. (1989). Computer-based Editorial Aids. Recent Developments and Applications of Natural Language Understanding. J. Peckham. London, Kogan Page: 12-20.

Dauphin, E. and V. Lux (1996). Corpus-based Annotated Test Set for Machine Translation Evaluation by an Industrial User. Proceedings from the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-96). Copenhagen: 1061-1065.

Debili, F., E. Sammouda, et al. (1994). Using Syntactic Dependencies for Word Alignment. Proceedings from ANLP-94: 188-189.

Doherty, M. (1992). "Relativity of sentence boundary." Babel - International Journal of Translation 38(2): 72-78.

Dollerup, C. (1982). "An Analysis of Some Mechanisms and Strategies in the Translation Process Based on a Study of Translations between Danish and English." The Incorporated Linguist 21(4): 162-169.

Dymetman, M., J. Brousseau, et al. (1994). Towards an Automatic Dictation System for Translators: the TransTalk Project. Proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing. Yokohama: 691-694.

EAGLES (1994). Evaluation of Natural Language Processing Systems, EAGLES.

Ericsson, M. (1994). Skala en potatis och anslut videon till tv:n - En jämförande studie i tre delar av tre kokböcker och tre bruksanvisningar på svenska, engelska och nederländska. Institutionen för lingvistik. Stockholm, Stockholm University.

Flanagan, M. (1996). Two Years Online: Experiences, Challenges, and Trends. Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA-96). Montreal: 192-197.

Flanagan, M. (1997). "MT Today: Emerging Roles, New Successes." Machine Translation 12(1-2): 25-27.

Foster, G., P. Isabelle, et al. (1996). Word Completion: A First Step Toward Target-Text Mediated IMT. Proceedings from the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-96). Copenhagen: 394-399.

Foster, G., P. Isabelle, et al. (1997). "Target-Text Mediated Interactive Machine Translation." Machine Translation 12(1-2): 175-194.

Frantzi, K. T. and S. Ananiadou (1996). Extracting Nested Collocations. Proceedings from the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-96). Copenhagen: 41-46.

Fry, D. (1994). The death of the amateur translator skills in the modern world. The LISA Forum Newsletter. IV: 17-21.

Fung, P. and K. W. Church (1994). K-vec: A New Approach for Aligning Parallel Texts. Proceedings from the 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling-94). Kyoto: 1096-1102.

Fung, P. and D. Wu (1994). Statistical Augmentation of a Chinese Machine-Readable Dictionary. Proceedings of the Second Annual Workshop on Very Large Corpora (WVLC-2). Kyoto: 69-86.

Fung, P. (1995). A Pattern Matching Method for Finding Noun and Proper Noun Translations from Noisy Parallel Corpora. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL-95). Cambridge, Massachusetts: 236-243.

Fung, P. (1995). Compiling Bilingual Lexicon Entries from a Non-Parallel English-Chinese Corpus. Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Very Large Corpora. Cambridge: 173-183.

Fung, P. and K. McKeown (1997). "A Technical Word and Term Translation Aid using Noisy Parallel Corpora across Language Groups." Machine Translation 12(1-2): 53-87.

Gale, W. and K. W. Church (1991). A program for aligning sentences in bilingual corpora. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics.

Gale, W. A., K. W. Church, et al. (1992). Using Bilingual Materials to Develop Word Sense Disambiguation Methods. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation. Montreal: 101-112.

Gaussier, E. (1998). Flow Network Models for Word Alignment and Terminology Extraction from Bilingual Corpora. Proceedings of COLING-ACL '98. Montreal: 444-450.

Gdaniec, C. and P. Schmid (1995). Constituent Shifts in the Logos English-German System. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation. Leuven: 311-318.

Gellerstam, M. (1985). Translationese in Swedish novels translated from English. Proceedings of the Scandinavian Symposium on Translation Theory (SSOTT) II. L. Wollin and L. H, Liber förlag, Malmö: 88-95.

Gellerstam, M. (1993). "Nej", sade hon iskallt - Dialoger i ett tvärvetenskapligt perspektiv. Mänsklig mångfald, Göteborgs universitet. 6: 113-126.

Gellerstam, M. (1996). Translation as a source for cross-linguistic studies. Languages in Contrast. K. Aijmer, B. Altenberg and M. Johansson, Lund University Press: 53-62.

Grishman, R. (1994). Iterative Alignment of Syntactic Structures for a Bilingual Corpus.. Proceedings of the Second Annual Workshop for Very Large Corpora. Kyoto: 57-68.

Gunnarsson, B.-L. (1992). Skrivande i yrkeslivet. En sociolingvistisk studie. Lund, Studentlitteratur.

Haas, W. (1968). The Theory of Translation. The Theory of Meaning. G. H. R. Parkinson. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 86-108.

Hann, M. (1992). The Key to Technical Translation, Volume One - Concept Specification. Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Hansen, E. (1987). Imperativens fundamentfelt - Et råmateriale. Sætningsshemæt og dets stilling - 50 år efter. L. Heltoft and J. E. Anderson, Akademisk Forlag: 99-104.

Harris, B. (1988). "Bi-text, a new concept in translation theory." Language Monthly 54: 8-10.

Hartley, A. and C. Paris (1996). Automatic text generation for software deelopment and use. Terminology, LSP and Translation. H. Somers. Amsterdam, Benjamins: 221-242.

Hartmann, R. R. K. (1995). From Contrastive Textology to Parallel Text Corpora: Theory and Applications. Jacek Fisiak Festschrift.

Hasselgård, H. (1996). Some methodological issues in a contrastive study of word order in English and Norwegian. Languages in Contrast. Textbased cross-linguistic studies. B. Altenberg and K. Aijmeer. Lund, Lund University Press.

Helmreich, S. and D. Farwell (1996). Translation Differences and Pragmatics-Based MT. Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA-96). Montreal.

Heyn, M. (1996). "Present and Future Needs in the CAT World." The Localisation Industry Standards Association Forum Newsletter 5(3): 15-33.

Hofland, K. and S. Johansson (1982). Word Frequencies in British and American English. Bergen, The Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humanities.

Hofland, K. (1995). A Program for Aligning English and Norwegian Sentences. Association for Computers in the Humanities/Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing Conference, Santa Barbara.

Hull, D. A. (1998). A Practical Aopproach to Terminology Alignment. Proceedings of Computerm '98 (First Workshop on Computational Terminology). Montreal: 1-7.

Hultman, T. G. and M. Westman (1977). Gymnasistsvenska. Lund, Liber Läromedel.

Hutchins, W. J. (1986). Machine Translation: Past, Present, Future. Chichester, Ellis Horwood Limited.

Hutchins, W. J. and H. L. Somers (1992). An Introduction to Machine Translation, Academic Press.

Hutchins, J. (1996). The State of Machine Translation in Europe. Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA-96). Montreal: 198-205.

Ingo, R. (1991). Från källspråk till målspråk - Introduktion i översättningsvetenskap. Lund, Studentlitteratur.

Isabelle, P. and L. Bourbeau (1987). TAUM-AVIATION: its Technical Features and Some Experimental Results. Machine Translation Systems. J. Slocum, Cambridge University Press.

Isabelle, P., M. Dymetman, et al. (1993). Translation Analysis and Translation Automation. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation (TMI'93). Kyoto: 201-217.

Ishida, R. (1994). Future Translation Workbenches: Some Essential Requirements. The LISA Forum Newsletter. III: 3-12.

Johansson, S. and K. Hofland (1994). Towards an English-Norwegian Parallel Corpus. Creating and Using English Language Corpora. U. Fries, G. Tottie and P. Scheider. Zürich, Editions Rodopi: 25-37.

Johansson, C. (1996). Good Bigrams. Proceedings from the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-96). Copenhagen: 592-597.

Jones, D. and M. Alexa (1997). Toward automatically aligning Geman compounds with English word groups. New Methods in Language Processing. D. Jones and H. Somers. London, UCL Press: 207-218.

Josef, F. and H. Weber (1998). Improving Statistical Natural Language Translation with Categories and Rules. Proceedings of COLING-ACL '98. Montreal.

Kageura, K., M. Yoshioka, et al. (1998). Towards a Common Testbed for Corpus-Based Computational Terminology. Proceedings of Computerm '98 (First Workshop on Computational Terminology). Montreal: 81-85.

Kaji, H., Y. Kida, et al. (1992). Learning Translation Templates from Bilingual Text. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling-92): 672-678.

Kaji, H. and T. Aizone (1996). Extracting Word Correspondences from Bilingual Corpora Based on Word Co-occurrence Information. Proceedings from the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-96). Copenhagen: 23-28.

Karlgren, J. and D. Cutting (1994). Recognizing Text Genres with Simple Metrics Using Discriminant Analysis. Proceedings from the 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling-94). Kyoto: 1071-1075.

Karlsson, O. (1997). Web site, sajt eller webbplats. Svenskan i IT-samhället. O. Josephson. Uppsala, Hallgren & Fallgren: 167-182.

Katoh, N. and T. Aizawa (1994). Machine Translation of Sentences with Fixed Expressions. Proceedings of the Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing (ANLP-94): 28-33.

Kay, M. (1980). The Proper Place of Men and Machine in Language Translation. Palo Alto, Unpublished manuscript, Xerox.

Kay, M. (1982). "Machine Translation." American Journal of Computational Linguistics 8(2): 74-78.

Kay, M. (1986). Machine Translation will not Work. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL-86): 268-269.

Kay, M. and M. Röscheisen (1993). "Text-Translation Alignment." Computational Linguistics 19(1): 121-142.

Kay, M. (1997). "It's Still the Proper Place." Machine Translation 12(1-2): 35-38.

Källgren, G. (1992). Making maximal use of surface criteria in large-scale parsing: the MorP parser.

Källgren, G. (1996). Linguistic Inteterminacy as a Source of Errors in Tagging. Proceedings from the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-96). Copenhagen: 676-680.

King, M. (1984). When is the next ALPAC report due?. Proceedings of Coling-84: 352-353.

King, M. (1986). Machine Translation already does Work. Proceedings of ACL-86: 269-270.

King, M. (1996). On the notion of validity and the evaluation of machine translation systems. Terminology, LSP and Translation. H. Somers. Amsterdam, Benjamins: 189-204.

Kingscott, G. (1989). Applications of Machine Translation - Study for the Commission of the European Communities, Commission of the European Communities.

Kinoshita, S., A. Kumano, et al. (1994). Improvement in Customizability Using Translation Templates. Proceedings from the 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling-94). Kyoto: 25-31.

Kita, K., T. Omoto, et al. (1994). Application of Corpora in Second Language Learning - The Problem of Collocational Knowledge Acquisition. Proceedings of the Second Annual Workshop on Very Large Corpora (WVLC-2). Kyoto: 43-56.

Kitamura, M. and Y. Matsumoto (1996). Automatic Extraction of Word Swequence Correspondences in Parallel Corpora. Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Very Large Corporaa. E. Ejerhed and I. Dagan. Copenhagen: 79-87.

Kittredge, R. (1982). "Sublanguages." American Journal of Computational Linguistics 8(2): 79-84.

Kittredge, R., A. Polguère, et al. (1986). Synthesizing Weather Forecasts from Formatted Data. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling-86): 563-565.

Kjærsgaard, P. S. (1987). REFTEX - A Context-Based Translation Aid. Proceedings of EACL-87. Copenhagen: 109-112.

Klavans, J. and E. Tzoukermann (1990). Linking Bilingual Corpora and Machine Readable Dictionaries with the BICORD System. Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of the UW Centre for the New OED and Text Research: 19-30.

Klavans, J. and E. Tzoukermann (1990). The BICORD System. Combining Lexical Information from Bilingual Corpora and Machine Readable Dictionaries.. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of Computational Linguistics (Coling-90). Helsinki: 174-179.

Kline, N. (1991). "Writing as translation: the great between." Translation Review 36: 4-11.

Kupiec, J. (1993). An Algorithm for Finding Noun Phrase Correspondences in Bilingual Corpora. Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL-93): 17-22.

Landauer, T. K. and M. L. Littman (1990). Fully Automatic Cross-Language Document Retrieval Using Latent Semantic Indexing. Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of the UW Centre for the New OED and Text Research: 31-38.

Langé, J.-M., É. Gaussier, et al. (1997). "Bricks and Skeletons: Some Ideas for the Near Future of MAHT." Machine Translation 12(1-2): 39-51.

Langlois, L. (1996). A New Tool for Bilingual Lexicographers. Proceedings from the Second Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA-96). Montreal: 34-42.

Language Industry Monitor (1994). Mendez Rolls its Own. Language Industry Monitor.

Larsson, A. and M. Merkel (1994). Semiotics at Work: Technical Translation and Communication in a Multilingual Corporate Environment. Papers from Nordiska Datalingvistikdagarna (NODALIDA). Stockholm.

Lauer, M. (1995). Corpus Statistics Meet the Noun Compound: Some Empirical Results. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL-95). Cambridge, Massachusetts: 47-54.

Laurén, C., J. Myking, et al. (1997). Terminologi som vetenskapsgren. Lund, Studentlitteratur.

Laurian, A.-M. (1984). Machine Translation: What type of post-editing on what type of documents for what type of users. Proceedings of Coling-84.

Laviosa-Braithwaite, S. (1996). The English Comparable Corpus: A Resource and a Methodology for the Empirical Study of Translation. International Translation Studies Conference, Unity in Diversity, Dublin.

Lessard, G. and J.-J. Hamm (1991). "Computer-Aided Analysis of Repeated Structures: the Case of Stendahl's Armance." Literary and Linguistic Computing 6(4): 246-252.

Lindquist, H. (1989). English Adverbials in Translation - A Corpus Study of Swedish Renderings. Lund, Lund University Press.

Lörcher, W. (1992). "Investigating the translation process." Meta 37(3): 426-439.

Macklovitch, E. (1993). Corpus-based Tools for Translators. Montreal, CITI.

Macklovitch, E. (1994). Using Bi-textual Alignment for Translation Validation: the TransCheck System. Proceedings from AMTA-94.

Macklovitch, E. (1995). Can Terminology Consistency be Validated Automatically?. The IVes Journées scientifiques, Lexicommatique et Dictionnairiques, Lyon, AUPELF-UREF.

Macklovitch, E. and M.-L. Hannan (1996). Line 'Em Up: Advances in Alignment Technology and Their Impact on Translation Support Tools. Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA-96). Montreal: 145-156.

Macleod, C., A. Meyers, et al. (1996). The Influence of Tagging on the Classification of Lexical Complements. Proceedings from the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-96). Copenhagen: 472-477.

Malmgren, S.-G. (1994). Svensk lexikologi. Ord, ordbildning, ordböcker och orddatabaser. Lund, Studentlitteratur.

Marinai, E., C. Peters, et al. (1991). Bilingual reference corpora: A system for parallel text retrieval. Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Conference of the UW Centre for the New OED and Text Research: Using Corpora. Waterloo, UW Centre for the New OED and Text Research: 63-70.

Martinez, R., J. Abaitua, et al. (1998). Bitext Correspondences through Rich Mark-up. Proceedings of COLING-ACL '98. Montreal: 812-818.

Matsumoto, Y., H. Ishimoto, et al. (1993). Structural Matching of Parallel Texts. Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL-93): 23-30.

McEnery, T., J.-M. Langé, et al. (1997). The exploitation of multilingual annotated corpora for term extraction. Corpus Annotation - Linguistic Information from Computer Text Corpora. R. Garside, G. Leech and A. McEnery. London, Addison Wesley Longman: 231-242.

Melamed, I. D. (1995). Automatic Evaluation and Uniform Filter Cascades for Inducing N-Best Translation Lexicons. Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Very Large Corpora. Cambridge: 184-198.

Melamed, I. D. (1996). Automatic Detection of Omissions in Translations. Proceedings from the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-96). Copenhagen: 764-769.

Melamed, D. I. (1996). A Geometric Approach to Mapping Bitext Correspondence. Philadelphia, PA, Dept. of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania.

Melamed, D. I. (1996). Automatic Construction of Clean Broad-Coverage Translation Lexicons. Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA-96). Montreal: 125-134.

Melamed, I. D. (1997). Automatic Discovery of Non-Compositional Compounds in Parallel Data. 2nd Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-2), Providence.

Melamed, I. D. (1997). A Word-to-Word Model of Translational Equivalence. 35th Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'97), Madrid.

Melamed, I. D. (1998). Empirical Methods for MT Lexicon Construction. Machine Translation and the Information Soup. D. Farwell, L. Gerber and E. Hovy. Berlin, Springer-Verlag.

Melamed, I. D. (1998). Annotation Style Guide for the Blinker Project. Philadelphia, Dept. of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania.

Melby, A. K. (1983). Computer Assisted Translation Systems. The Standard Design and A Multi-level Design. Proceedings of ANLP-83.

Melby, A. (1995). The possibility of language. Amsterdam, Benjamins.

Melby, A. K. (1997). "Building Machine Translation on a Firm Foundation." The LISA Forum Newsletter VI(1): 23-28.

Melby, A. (1997). "Some Notes on The Proper Place of Men and Machines in Language Translation." Machine Translation 12(1-2): 29-34.

Merkel, M. (1992). Recurrent Patterns in Technical Documentation, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University.

Merkel, M. (1993). When and why should translations be reused. Papers from the XIII VAAKKI symposium. Vaasa: 139-149.

Merkel, M., B. Nilsson, et al. (1994). A Phrase-Retrieval System Based on Recurrence. Proceedings of the Second Annual Workshop on Very Large Corpora (WVLC-2). Kyoto: 99-108.

Merkel, M. (1996). Consistency and variation in technical translations - a study of translators' attitudes. Unity in Diversity, Translation Studies Conference, Dublin.

Merkel, M. (1996). Checking Translations for Inconsistency – A Tool for the Editor. Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA-96). Montreal: 157-167.

Microsoft (1993). The GUI Guide. International Terminology for the Windows Interface, Microsoft Press.

Microsoft (1993). Swedish Style Guide. Dublin, Microsoft Worldwide Product Group Ireland.

Mitamura, T. and E. H. Nyberg 3rd (1995). Controlled English for Knowledge-Based MT: Experience with the KANT System. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation. Leuven: 158-172.

Moore, I. (1990). Criteria for selecting MT systems. Translating and the computer 10. P. Mayorcas. London, Aslib: 18-30.

Nagao, M. (1984). A Framework of a Mechanical Translation between Japanese and English by Analogy Principle, North-Holland.

Nagao, M. and S. Mori (1994). A New Method of N-gram Statistics for Large Number of n and Automatic Extraction of Words and Phrases from Large Text Data of Japanese. Proceedings from the 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling-94). Kyoto: 611-615.

Newmark, P. (1986). Translation studies: eight tentative directions for research and some dead ducks. Translation studies in Scandinavia. Proceedings from the Scandinavian Symposium on Translation Theory (SSOTT) II. L. Wollin and H. Lindquist. Lund, CWK Gleerup.

Newmark, P. (1988). A Textbook of Translation. London, Prentice Hall.

Nida, E. (1964). Toward a Science of Translating. Leiden, E.J. Brill.

Nida, E. (1976). A Framework for the Analysis and Evaluation of Theories of Translation. Translation - Applications and Research. R. W. Brislin. New York, Gardner Press: 47-91.

Nirenburg, S. (1987). Knowledge and choices in machine translation. Machine translation - Theoretical and methodological issues. S. Nirenburg, Cambridge University Press.

Nirenburg, S., S. Beale, et al. (1996). Two Principles and Six Techniques for Rapid MT Development. Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA-96). Montreal: 96-105.

Nordman, M. (1992). Svenskt fackspråk. Lund, Studentlitteratur.

Nyberg 3rd, E. H., T. Mitamura, et al. (1994). Evaluation Metrics for Knowledge-Based Machine Translation. Proceedings from the 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling-94). Kyoto: 95-99.

Opas, L. L. and T. Rommel (1995). "New Approaches to Computer Applications in Literary Studies." Literary and Linguistic Computing 10(4): 261-262.

Opas, L. L. and P. Kujamäki (1995). "A Cross-linguistic Study of Stream-of-consciousness Techniques." Literary and Linguistic Computing 10(4): 287-291.

Ørsnes, B. and B. Maegaard (1996). PaTrans - A Patent Translation System. Proceedings from the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-96). Copenhagen: 1115-1118.

Palmer, D. D. and M. A. Hearst (1994). Adaptive Sentence Boundary Disambiguation. Proceedings of ANLP-94. Stuttgart: 78-83.

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