MULTEXT/EAGLES - Document LSD 1. Title page. Version 1.0. Last modified 28 April 1996.


Considerations for the Reusability of Linguistic Software

Jean Véronis and Nancy Ide, CNRS


MULTEXT joined efforts with the EAGLES sub-group on Tools, established in spring 1995 (in the last phase of the EAGLES project), to address linguistic software reusability and work toward the establishment of Guidelines for Linguistic Software Development. This document reports on the first phase of the work and outlines general goals and principles for the development of the guidelines.



This document results from joint effort of the European projects EAGLES (in particular, the EAGLES Tools subgroup) and MULTEXT. The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) has also supported the integration effort.


Jean Véronis
Nancy Ide

Laboratoire Parole et Langage
CNRS & Université de Provence
29, Avenue Robert Schuman
13621 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 1, France
tel : (+33) 42 95 36 34
fax : (+33) 42 59 50 96


Various people have commented and sent feedback on previous versions of this document. Special thanks to:

Eric Atwell, University of Leeds, England
Tony McEnery, University of Lancaster, England
Tomaz Erjavec, Jozef Stefan Institute, Llubljana, Slovenia
Gil Francopoulo, GSI-ERLI, Paris, France
Hans van Halteren, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Patrick Paroubek, INaLF, Nancy, France
Vladimir Petkevic, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Laurent Romary, Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Nancy, France

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