TEI Newsletter. The
development of this newsletter has arisen out of a desire to keep all
interested parties, whether they be members or not, up-to-date with
developments within or affecting the TEI.
Open eBook Forum is an
international trade and standards organization, with hardware and software
companies, publishers, authors, users of electronic books, and related
organizations whose common goals are to establish specifications and standards
for electronic publishing.
Scholarly Electronic
Publishing: articles, books, and other printed and electronic sources that
are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the
Internet, by Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
The Scholarly Electronic
Publishing Bibliography (SEPB), by Charles W. Bailey, Jr., citations for
over 1,400 selected English-language articles, books, and other printed and
electronic sources that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic
publishing efforts on the Internet.
Electronic Scholarly Publishing: This
site is dedicated to the electronic publishing of scientific and other
scholarly materials. Of particular interest are the history of science,
genetics, computational biology, and genome research.
and Scholarly Communication , maintained by
Leslie K.W. Chan, Department of
Anthropology and Center for Instructional Technology Development, University of
Toronto at Scarborough. The purpose of this page is to provide convenient links
to discussions on these issues and to point to some innovative projects in
scholarly publishing and electronic journals.
Eva Mª
Méndez . Metadatos y recuperación de información:
estándares, problemas y aplicabilidad en Bibliotecas Digitales.
Departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación de la Universidad
Carlos III de Madrid. Documentación
informativa en la Web y cómo buscarla
J. Tomás Nogales
Profesor Titular de Universidad del Departamento de Biblioteconomía y
Documentación de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Asignaturas:
Tecnologías de la Información , Análisis de Sistemas de
Gestión Documental (ambas de segundo curso de la Diplomatura en
Biblioteconomía y Documentación ), y del curso El marcado de
documentos electrónicos con XML , asignatura del Doctorado en
Documentación .
Expertos en SGML/XML
Tim Berners-Lee,
inventor de HTML y candidato a premio Nobel 1999.
Chris Maden. XSL
and XSLT stuff, including an invoicing system written in XML and XSLT; etc.
Makoto. I am a researcher of document processing. I am a member of the
PODDP'98 program committee and the EP'98 program committee. I am also a member
of the W3C XML WG.
Liam Quin. W3C. Projects : Text
Retrieval I have been working on my Unix text retrieval system, lq-text again
recently. It was dormant for a while, but as far as I can tell it's still the
best system for use in shell scripts.
Henry S. Thompson, pope de la
lingüísitca computacional y forofo de SGML.
Jun Wang . University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC).Research interests: Machine Learning;
Information Retrieval; Information Visualization; Software Agents; Adaptive
Ontology; Language Evolution and Computation.
Libros en red.com "es la
más completa Editorial Digital en Internet en español. Sepa
cómo Publicar su Libro en formato digital y en papel. Conozca el
Proyecto NAE, destinado a promover nuevos escritores en español.
Regístrese sin cargo en nuestro Club de Lectores y reciba
múltiples beneficios (entre ellos, Libros Gratis)."