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NEW - WIPO Database Proposal and HR 3531, including pro and con analyses. Comments to the USPTO are due by November 22, 1996 and can be e-mailed to diploconf@uspto.gov.

NEW - PUP v. MDS Decision from the 6th Circuit
Princeton University Press v. Michigan Document Services, INC. 1996 FED App. 0357P (6th Cir.) November 8, 1996.

Primary Materials
Judicial Opinions
Treaties and Conventions

Current Legislation, Cases and Issues
Michigan Document Services Case & Coursepacks
Fair Use and Multimedia
NII Legislation and Information

Resources on the Internet
WWW Sites & Mailing Lists
Library Copyright Guidelines
Articles on Copyright and Fair Use

Overview of Copyright Law
Copyright Management Center of the University of Texas System Administration Office of General Counsel.
The Copyright Website from Benedict O'Mahoney
Timeline: A History of Copyright in the U.S. from the Association of Research Libraries
FindLaw Internet Legal Resources Index

This site is sponsored by the Council on Library Resources, FindLaw Internet Legal Resources and the Stanford University Libraries and Academic Information Resources.

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Please send comments and suggestions to copyright@findlaw.com

This page last updated: November 16, 1996