I have collaborated in the following projects:
  • PostLowCit: Low-noise and low-carbon freight delivery for Postal Operators to ensure last mile connections through optimized urban and long distance transport
    Funded by CEF transport 2015, Action nb2015-ES-TM-0239-S
    Duration: 01/02/2016, 40 months.
  • TIMON: Enhanced real time services for optimized multimodal mobility relying on cooperative networks and open data
    Funded by European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
    Duration: 01/06/2015, 36 months.
  • CYBERPARKS: Fostering knowledge about the relationship between Information and Communication Technologies and Public Spaces supported by strategies to improve their use and attractiveness
    Funded by R&D action funded by the European Commission under the COST action programme (COST Action TU 1306)
    Duration: 2014-2018, 48 months.
  • ICSI: Inteligent Cooperative Sensing for Improved Traffic Efficiency
    Funded by European Commission, Seventh Framework Programme
    Duration: 01/11/2012, 26 months.
  • iLogisTICs: Sistema telematico para la mejora de la logistica en el transporte de mercancias a traves de servicios avanzados de planificacion y trazabilidad (TEC2013-45585-C2-2-R)
    Funded by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
    Duration: 01/01/2014, 36 months.
  • TRAZAMED: Plataforma integral basada en tecnologías de identificación RFID y Datamatrix para la trazabilidad de medicamentos (Integrated platform based on RFID identification technology and Datamatrix for the medicines traceability)
    Funded by Spanish Goverment, INNPACTO Program
    Duration: 01/11/2010, 36 months.
  • PRODIS: Sistema integrado de planificación de la producción y la distribución para la gestión de excepciones en entornos distribuidos (Integrated production planning and distribution system for exception handling in distributed environments)
    Funded by the Basque Goverment, ETORGAI Program
    Duration: 01/11/2012, 36 months.
  • AT-CIO: Asistencia técnica para la supervisión y coordinación de los desarrollos de herramientas informáticas para el Centro de Operación de EuskoTren (Technical assistance for the supervision and coordination of the software tools development for the Operation Center of Euskotren)
    Funded by Euskotren Bidesareak
    Duration: 01/03/2011, 10 months.
  • BERRITRANS: Centro de Control de Transporte Ferroviario Multimodal de Nueva Generación para una Operación, Explotación y Mantenimiento Sostenibles, Seguros y Eficientes (Control Center of a new generation multimodal rail transportation for a sustainable, safe and efficient operation and maintenance)
    Funded by the Basque Goverment, ETORGAI Program
    Duration: 01/06/2010, 31 months
  • TRANSDEM: Infraestructuras Embarcadas y en Ruta para la Provisión de Servicios de Transporte bajo demanda (Loaded and in route infrastructures for the provision of demand transportation services)
    Funded by the Basque Goverment, SAIOTEK Program
    Duration: 01/09/2009, 14 months
  • PIMPOST: Plataforma inteligente de modelado, planificación y operación de servicios de transporte (Smart Platform for modeling, planning and operation of transport services)
    Funded by the Basque Goverment, SAIOTEK Program
    Duration: 01/11/2008, 14 months.