Date sent: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 21:57:54 -0800 Subject: FW: analogy and proverbs From: Ricardo Etxepare To: Norbaitek irakurketa talde honetan parte hartu nahi badu, Koldo Garairi idatz biezaio, beheko helbidean. Irakurketa proposamenak egin litezke. Si alguien se quiere apuntar a este grupo de lectura, que le escriba a Koldo Garai en la dirección de abajo. Se admiten propuestas de lectura. Ricardo ---------- De: "Koldo J. Garai" Fecha: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 23:44:50 -0000 Para: Asunto: analogy and proverbs Analogia mintegia (Reading group on Analogy) This project aims to gather a reading group to study analogy and proverbs. I would like to investigate what are the grammatical constructions used by analogy in proverbs, such as contiguity, conjunction, and the like, and the rhetorical effects of analogy in proverbs. Some cognitive bases of analogy might be categorization, similarity, identity, and causality. One of the closest foci of the reading group could be the relation between syntactic coordination (conjunction or contiguity) and its cognitive properties. The general problem would be: How does analogy work and what are its restrictions when two names (in its most extensive sense) are linked by some kind of syntactic contiguity? Obviously, this device is extensively used by proverbs: X and Y is Z. The analogy works identifying or comparing X and Y: the first item is being defined in terms of the second item. See the following example from R&S: "Aita zaharra eta bese etena ez da gerena," An old father and a broken shoe are not dishonoring. Since I’ve been working with Basque proverbs this is the most readily material we can count on. Although my own background is cognitive linguistics (Mark Turner and Gilles Fauconnier), the readings will not be restricted to it. The language used in the sessions can be Basque, English or Spanish, but the bibliography at the present is exclusively in English. We can meet every other week. This is the program I have in mind: 1st session: Analogy in Proverbs; grammar and rhetoric -Introduction: I will introduce my master’s dissertation on proverbs (in progress): The rhetorical aspects of proverbs and the problem of analogy. I will explain the cognitive basis of my study, the great chain metaphor (Lakoff & Turner), types of metaphors—Achilles is a lion vs. more is up—(Grady), conceptual integration and Blending Theory (Turner and Fauconnier) and other cognitive mechanisms involved in the comprehension of proverbs. I will also explain the rhetorical devices used by proverbs: source of authority, set of beliefs or doxa, and lines of argumentation most often used by proverbs. I will try to let the question posed: the relation between conjunction and analogy. The bibliography will be distributed for the next following sessions. 2nd session: Theories on analogical reasoning Rumerlhart, David E. "Toward a microestructural account of human reasoning." In : Stella Vosniadou and Andrew Ortony (Eds.) Similarity and Analogical Reasoning. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge: 1989. 298-311. Bejar, Isaac; Chaffin, Roger and Susan Embretson. Cognitive and Psychometric Analysis of Analogical Problem Solving. "Chapter 2: Theories of Memory Representation and Analogical Reasoning." Springer-Verlag. New York: 1990. 7-54. Extra readings: Johnson-Laird, Philip N. "Analogy and the exercise of creativity." In: David E. Rumelhart (Ed.) Palmer, Stephen E. "Levels of description in information-processing theories of analogy." In: David E. Rumelhart (Ed.) 3rd session: Analogy and Categorization Turner, Mark. "Categories and Analogies." In: David H. Helman (Ed.) Analogical Reasoning: Perspectives of Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, and Philosophy. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht: 1988. 3-23. Turner, Mark. Reading Minds: The Study of English in the Age of Cognitive Science. "Conceptual Connections." Princeton University Press. Princeton (NJ): 1990. 121-150. Turner, Mark. "Forging Connections." In: Chrystopher Nehaniv (ed.) Computation for Metaphor, Analogy, and Agents. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, Extra Readings: Lakoff, George. Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things: What Categories Reveal about the Mind. "Categories and Cognitive Models." The University of Chicago Press. Chicago: 1987. 1990. Fauconnier, Gilles. "Analogical Counterfactuals." In: Gilles Fauconnier and Eve Sweetser (Eds.). Spaces, Worlds, and Grammar. The University of Chicago Press. Chicago: 1996. 57-90. 4th session: Analogy and similarity Vosniadou, Stella and Andrew Ortony. "Similarity and Analogical Reasoning: a synthesis. In: Stella Vosniadou and Andrew Ortony (Eds.) Similarity and Analogical Reasoning. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge: 1989. 1-17. Gentner, Dedre; Ratterman, Mary Jo. Language and the Career of Similarity. Technical Report No. 533. Center for the study of Reading. Illinois University. Urbana. July 1991. Pp. 29. Extra Readings: Barsalou, Lawrence W. "Intraconcept similarity and its implications for interconcept similarity." In: Stella Vosniadou and Andrew Ortony (Eds.) Similarity and Analogical Reasoning. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge: 1989. 76-121. Russel, Stuart. "Analogy by Similarity" In: Id. 251-269 5th session: Transference, Mappings and constraints. Novick, Laura R. "Analogical Transfer: Processes and Individual Differences." In: Stella Vosniadou and Andrew Ortony (Eds.) Similarity and Analogical Reasoning. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge: 1989. 125-143. Clement, Catherine A. and Dedre Gentner. Systematicity as a selection constraint in analogical mapping. Psychology Department, Eastern Kentucky University. Richmond. Pp. 64. Johnson, Mark. "Some constraints on embodied analogical understanding." D.H. Helman (ed.) Analogical Reasoning Perspectives of Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, and Philosophy. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht: 1988. 25-40. Extra readings: Lakoff, George. "The contemporary theory of metaphor." In Andrew Ortony (ed.) Metaphor and Thought. Second edition. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge: 1993. 202-251. Turner, Mark. "Blending and Conceptual Integration." URL: Fauconnier, Gilles. 2000. "Conceptual Integration and Analogy." In Gentner, D., Holyoak, K. J., & Kokinov, B. N., editors, The analogical mind: Perspectives from cognitive science. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 6th session: Causality and contiguity. Talmy, Leonard. 7th session: conjunction in proverbs: * analysis of some proverbs * Conclusions.