MULTEXTLexical specifications : application to French
Document MULTEXT-LEX 1. Title page. Version 0.3. Last modified 22 February 1996.


Lexical specifications : application to French

Jean Véronis and Liliane Khouri, CNRS

Copyright (c) Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1995.

This document is only a draft and should be cited as such. Creators of WWW documents pointing to it are warned that its content and location may change without notice. This document is provided as is without any express or implied warranties. While every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained, the authors assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this document for non-commercial purposes provided this copyright, disclaimer and permission notice are preserved on all copies.


The morpho-syntactic description model used in the Multext Lexicon was specifically developed to cater for multilingual requirements.

The choice of pertinent grammatical categories and morpho-syntactical features was made according to a minimalizing strategy : the problem with multilingual compatibility took preference over the volume of information.

The irreconcilable differences between linguistic systems such as declension, are tagged "non-applicable" (coded as "-") which makes reading the labels described below more difficult than we hoped. ("Etiquettage grammatical multilingue : modèle")

Besides, the blank space inside some compound words is marked as underscore ("_") : "pomme_de_terre".


1. Nouns (N)

1.1 Attribute value table

============ =================  =============== ====
Attribute     Value                 Example     Code
============ =================  =============== ====
Type          common                  livre       c
              proper                  Jean        p
              distinguished           France      d
------------ -----------------  --------------- ----
Gender        masculine               homme       m
              feminine                femme       f
------------ -----------------  --------------- ----
Number        singular                hommes      s
              plural                  femmes      p
------------ -----------------  --------------- ----
Case         ///         ///            -         -
------------ -----------------  --------------- ----
Semantic type country, city           France      c
              inhabitant              Français    h
              company, institution    IBM         s
============ =================  =============== ====

1.2 Combinations

======= ======================  =================================================
Lexique   Example                Definition
======= ======================  =================================================
Ncms--     homme                 Common Name masc. sing.
Ncmp--     hommes                Common Name masc. plur.
Ncfs--     femme                 Common Name fem. sing.
Ncfp--     femmes                Common Name fem. plur.
Npfs--     Julie	         Proper Name fem. sing.
Npfs-c     Marseille             Proper Name of city fem. sing.
Npms--     Jean                  Proper Name masc. sing. 
Npms-c     Israël                Proper Name of country/city masc. sing.
Ndfp--     Erinyes               Distinguished Name fem. plur.  
Ndfp-c     Antilles              Distinguished Name of country/city fem. plur.       
Ndfp-h     Allemandes            Distinguished Name of inhabitant fem. plur.  
Ndfp-s     Nations-Unies         Distinguished Name of institution fem. plur.  
Ndfs--     Commedia_dell'arte    Distinguished Name fem. sing.
Ndfs-c     Europe                Distinguished Name of country/city fem. sing.
Ndfs-h     Hongroise             Distinguished Name of inhabitant fem. sing.
Ndfs-s     SACEM                 Distinguished Name of institution fem. sing.
Ndmp--     Cyclopes              Distinguished Name masc. plur.
Ndmp-c     Pays-Bas              Distinguished Name of country/city masc. plur.
Ndmp-h     Italiens              Distinguished Name of inhabitants masc. plur.
Ndms--     Blitz                 Distinguished Name masc. sing.
Ndms-c     Japon                 Distinguished Name of country/city masc. sing.
Ndms-h     Kabyle                Distinguished Name of inhabitant masc. sing.

Note 1 :

The discrimination between "proper nouns" and "distinguished nouns" deals with the syntactic treatment of capitalized words.

A "proper noun" (Np) may be considered as a nominal syntagm by itself ("Jean marche") even if it may eventually be used with a determiner ("Le Jean que je connais", "La Marie", "un Matisse") ;

The "distinguished noun" class includes any other capitalized word ("Assemblée", "Anglais") having a syntactic behaviour equivalent to a common noun.

Note 2 :

The following tags are available but not instanciated in the lexicon :

Ndmp-s, Npfp--, Npfp-c, Npfp-h, Npfp-s, Npfs-h, Npfs-s, Npmp--, Npmp-c, Npmp-h,Npms-h

2. Verbs (V)

2.1 Attribute value table

============ =========== =========== ====
Attribute    Value       Example     Code
============ =========== =========== ====
Type         main        partir      m
             auxiliary   avoir       a
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Mood/Vform   indicative  viens       i
             subjunctive vienne      s
             imperative  viens       m
             conditional viendrais   c
             infinitive  venir       n
             participle  venu        p
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Tense        present     viens       p
             imperfect   venais      i
             future      viendrai    f
             past        vins        s
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Person       first       suis        1
             second      es          2
             third       est         3
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Number       singular    viens       s
             plural      venons      p
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Gender       masculine   venu        m
             feminine    venue       f
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Clitics       ///       ///          -
============ =========== =========== ====

Past part.

The  past participle  of the  auxiliary  verb "être",  the copulative verbs (e.g.   "sembler") 
and impersonal verbs (e.g."falloir"),  which  do not agree in gender, are encoded with the  value  
not applicable (-) :

été : Vaps-----, semblé : Vmps-----

2.2 Combinations

======= ======================  =======================================================================
Lexique   Example                 Definition
======= ======================  =======================================================================
Vmn-----   venir                 Infinitive of main verbs
Van-----   être, avoir           Infinitive of aux.
Vmpp----   venant                Present part.
Vapp----   étant, ayant          Present part. 
Vmps----   semblé                Invariable past part. of main verbs
Vmps-pf-   venues                Past part. fem. plur. of main verbs
Vmps-sf-   venue                 Past part. fem. sing. of main verbs
Vmps-pm-   venus                 Past part. masc. plur. of main verbs
Vmps-sm-   venu                  Past part. masc. sing. of main verbs
Vaps----   été                   Invariable past part. of "être" aux.
Vaps-pf-   eues                  Past part. fem. plur. of "avoir" aux.
Vaps-sf-   eue                   Past part. fem. sing. of "avoir" aux.
Vaps-pm-   eus                   Past part. masc. plur. of "avoir" aux.
Vaps-sm-   eu                    Past part. masc. sing. of "avoir" aux. 
Vaip1s--   suis, ai              Indic. pres. tense 1rst sing. pers. of aux.
Vaip2s--   es, as                Indic. pres. tense 2nd sing. pers. of aux.
Vaip3s--   est, a                Indic. pres. tense 3rd sing. pers. of aux.
Vaip1p--   sommes, avons         Indic. pres. tense 1rst plur. pers. of aux.
Vaip2p--   êtes, avez            Indic. pres. tense 2nd plur. pers. of aux.
Vaip3p--   sont, ont             Indic. pres. tense 3rd plur. pers. of aux.
Vmip1s--   viens                 Indic. pres. tense 1rst sing. pers. of main verbs
Vmip2s--   viens                 Indic. pres. tense 2nd sing. pers. of main verbs
Vmip3s--   vient                 Indic. pres. tense 3rd sing. pers. of main verbs
Vmip1p--   venons                Indic. pres. tense 1rst plur. pers. of main verbs
Vmip2p--   venez                 Indic. pres. tense 2nd plur. pers. of main verbs
Vmip3p--   viennent              Indic. pres. tense 3rd plur. pers. of main verbs
Vaii1s--   étais, avais          Indic. imperf. tense 1rst sing. pers. of aux.
Vaii2s--   étais, avais          Indic. imperf. tense 2nd sing. pers. of aux.
Vaii3s--   était, avait          Indic. imperf. tense 3rd sing. pers. of aux.
Vaii1p--   étions, avions        Indic. imperf. tense 1rst plur. pers. of aux.
Vaii2p--   étiez, aviez          Indic. imperf. tense 2nd plur. pers. of aux.
Vaii3p--   étaient, avaient      Indic. imperf. tense 3rd plur. pers. of aux.
Vmii1s--   venais                Indic. imperf. tense 1rst sing. pers. of main verbs
Vmii2s--   venais                Indic. imperf. tense 2nd sing. pers. of main verbs
Vmii3s--   venait                Indic. imperf. tense 3rd sing. pers. of main verbs
Vmii1p--   venions               Indic. imperf. tense 1rst plur. pers. of main verbs
Vmii2p--   veniez                Indic. imperf. tense 2nd plur. pers. of main verbs
Vmii3p--   venaient              Indic. imperf. tense 3rd plur. pers. of main verbs
Vaif1s--   serai, aurai          Indic. fut. tense 1rst sing. pers. of aux.
Vaif2s--   seras, auras          Indic. fut. tense 2nd sing. pers. of aux.
Vaif3s--   sera, aura            Indic. fut. tense 3rd sing. pers. of aux.
Vaif1p--   serons, aurons        Indic. fut. tense 1rst plur. pers. of aux.
Vaif2p--   serez, aurez          Indic. fut. tense 2nd plur. pers. of aux.
Vaif3p--   seront, auront        Indic. fut. tense 3rd plur. pers. of aux.
Vmif1s--   viendrai              Indic. fut. tense 1rst sing. pers. of main verbs
Vmif2s--   viendras              Indic. fut. tense 2nd sing. pers. of main verbs
Vmif3s--   viendra               Indic. fut. tense 3rd sing. pers. of aux.
Vmif1p--   viendrons             Indic. fut. tense 1rst plur. pers. of main verbs
Vmif2p--   viendrez              Indic. fut. tense 2nd plur. pers. of main verbs
Vmif3p--   viendrons             Indic. fut. tense 3rd plur. pers. of main verbs
Vais1s--   fus, eus              Indic. perf. tense 1rst sing. pers. of aux.
Vais2s--   fus, eus              Indic. perf. tense 2nd sing. pers. of aux.
Vais3s--   fut, eut              Indic. perf. tense 3rd sing. pers. of aux.
Vais1p--   fûmes, eûmes          Indic. perf. tense 1rst plur. pers. of aux.
Vais2p--   fûtes, eûtes          Indic. perf. tense 2nd plur. pers. of aux.
Vais3p--   furent, eurent        Indic. perf. tense 3rd plur. pers. of aux.
Vmis1s--   vins                  Indic. perf. tense 1rst sing. pers. of main verbs
Vmis2s--   vins                  Indic. perf. tense 2nd sing. pers. of main verbs
Vmis3s--   vint                  Indic. perf. tense 3rd sing. pers. of aux.
Vmis1p--   vinmes                Indic. perf. tense 1rst plur. pers. of main verbs
Vmis2p--   vintes                Indic. perf. tense 2nd plur. pers. of main verbs
Vmis3p--   vinrent               Indic. perf. tense 3rd plur. pers. of main verbs
Vasp1s--   sois, aie             Subjunc. pres. tense 1rst sing. pers. of aux.
Vasp2s--   sois, aies            Subjunc. pres. tense 2nd sing. pers. of aux.
Vasp3s--   soit, ait             Subjunc. pres. tense 3rd sing. pers. of aux.
Vasp1p--   soyons, ayons         Subjunc. pres. tense 1rst plur. pers. of aux.
Vasp2p--   soyez, ayez           Subjunc. pres. tense 2nd plur. pers. of aux.
Vasp3p--   soient, avaient       Subjunc. pres. tense 3rd plur. pers. of aux.
Vmsp1s--   finisse               Subjunc. pres. tense 1rst sing. pers. of main verbs
Vmsp2s--   finisse               Subjunc. pres. tense 2nd sing. pers. of main verbs
Vmsp3s--   finisse               Subjunc. pres. tense 3rd sing. pers. of aux.
Vmsp1p--   finissions            Subjunc. pres. tense 1rst plur. pers. of main verbs
Vmsp2p--   finissiez             Subjunc. pres. tense 2nd plur. pers. of main verbs
Vmsp3p--   finissent             Subjunc. pres. tense 3rd plur. pers. of main verbs
Vasi1s--   fusse, eusse          Subjunc. imperf. tense 1rst sing. pers. of aux.
Vasi2s--   fusses, eusses        Subjunc. imperf. tense 2nd sing. pers. of aux. 
Vasi3s--   fût, eût              Subjunc. imperf. tense 3rd sing. pers. of aux.
Vasi1p--   fussions, eussions    Subjunc. imperf. tense 1rst plur. pers. of aux.
Vasi2p--   fussiez, eussiez      Subjunc. imperf. tense 2nd plur. pers. of aux.
Vasi3p--   fussent, eussent      Subjunc. imperf. tense 3rd plur. pers. of aux.
Vmsi1s--   finisse               Subjunc. imperf. tense 1rst sing. pers. of main verbs
Vmsi2s--   finisse               Subjunc. imperf. tense 2nd sing. pers. of main verbs
Vmsi3s--   finit                 Subjunc. imperf. tense 3rd sing. pers. of aux.
Vmsi1p--   finissions            Subjunc. imperf. tense 1rst plur. pers. of main verbs
Vmsi2p--   finissiez             Subjunc. imperf. tense 2nd plur. pers. of main verbs
Vmsi3p--   finissent             Subjunc. imperf. tense 3rd plur. pers. of main verbs
Vacp1s--   serais, aurais        Cond. pres. tense 1rst sing. pers. of aux.
Vacp2s--   serais, aurais        Cond. pres. tense 2nd sing. pers. of aux.
Vacp3s--   serait, aurait        Cond. pres. tense 3rd sing. pers. of aux.
Vacp1p--   serions, aurions      Cond. pres. tense 1rst plur. pers. of aux.
Vacp2p--   seriez, auriez        Cond. pres. tense 2nd plur. pers. of aux.
Vacp3p--   seraient, auraient    Cond. pres. tense 3rd plur. pers. of aux.
Vmcp1s--   viendrais             Cond. pres. tense 1rst sing. pers. of main verbs
Vmcp2s--   viendrais             Cond. pres. tense 2nd sing. pers. of main verbs
Vmcp3s--   viendrait             Cond. pres. tense 3rd sing. pers. of aux.
Vmcp1p--   viendrions            Cond. pres. tense 1rst plur. pers. of main verbs
Vmcp2p--   viendriez             Cond. pres. tense 2nd plur. pers. of main verbs
Vmcp3p--   viendraient           Cond. pres. tense 3rd plur. pers. of main verbs
Vamp2s--   sois, aie             Imper. pres. tense 2nd sing. pers. of aux.
Vamp1p--   soyons, ayons         Imper. pres. tense 1rst plur. pers. of aux.
Vamp2p--   soyez, ayez           Imper. pres. tense 2nd plur. pers. of aux.
Vmmp2s--   viens                 Imper. pres. tense 2nd sing. pers. of main verbs
Vmmp1p--   venons                Imper. pres. tense 1rst plur. pers. of main verbs
Vmmp2p--   venez                 Imper. pres. tense 2nd plur. pers. of main verbs
======= ======================  =======================================================================

3. Adjectives (A)

3.1 Attribute value table

============ =========== =========== ====
Attribute    Value       Example     Code
============ =========== =========== ====
Type         qualificat. bon         f
             ordinal     deuxième    o
             indefinite  quelconque  i
             possessive  mien        s
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Degree       positive    bon         p
             comparative meilleur    c
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Gender       masculine   bon         m
             feminine    bonne       f
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Number       singular    bon         s
             plural      bons        p
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Case         ///         ///         -
============ =========== =========== ====

a. Degree

We encode Degree for compatibility with other languages, but the distinction positive/comparative applies only to two adjectives in French: "bon" and "mauvais". All other adjectives form their comparatives with "plus" + adjective (e.g., "plus grand"). Superlative is also a compound form ("le" + comparative, e.g. "le plus grand").

b. Possessor

Attributes for person of possessor have not be considered.

c. Cardinal

The use of this value in french is perfectly redundant with the category numeral, so we preferred to label all numbers with the Mc code to avoid to many ambiguities.

3.2 Combinations

======= ===========================  ===========================================
Lexique    Example                      Definition
======= ===========================  ===========================================
Afcfp-     meilleures                  Comp. qualif. adjec. fem. plur.
Afcfs-     meilleure                   Comp. qualif. adjec. fem. sing.
Afcmp-     meilleurs                   Comp. qualif. adjec. masc. plur.
Afcms-     meilleur                    Comp. qualif. adjec. masc. sing. 
Afpfp-     bonnes                      Qualif. adjec. fem. plur. 
Afpfs-     bonne                       Qualif. adjec. fem. sing.
Afpmp-     bons                        Qualif. adjec. masc. plur.
Afpms-     bon                         Qualif. adjec. masc. sing.
Ai-fp-     certaines, mêmes etc.       Indef. adjec. fem. plur.
Ai-fs-     certane, même etc.          Indef. adjec. fem. sing.
Ai-mp-     certain, mêmes etc.         Indef. adjec. masc. plur.
Ai-ms-     certain, même etc.          Indef. adjec. masc. sing.
Ac-fp-     deux                        Card. adjec. fem. plur.
Ac-fs-     une                         Card. adjec. fem. sing.
Ac-mp-     deux                        Card. adjec. masc. plur.
Ac-ms-     un                          Card. adjec. masc. sing.
Ao-fp-     premières                   Ord. adjec. fem. plur.
Ao-fs-     première                    Ord. adjec. fem. sing.
Ao-mp-     premiers                    Ord. adjec. masc. plur.
Ao-ms-     premier                     Ord. adjec. masc. sing.
As-fp-     leurs, miennes etc.         Poss. adjec. fem. plur.
As-fs-     leur, mienne etc.           Poss. adjec. fem. sing.
As-mp-     leurs, miens etc.           Poss. adjec. masc. plur.
As-ms-     leur, mien etc.             Poss. adjec. masc. sing.

4. Pronouns (P)

4.1 Attribute value table

============ =========== =========== ====
Attribute    Value       Example     Code
============ =========== =========== ====
Type         personal    je          p
             demonstrat. celui       d
             indefinite  certain     i
             possessive  le_mien     s
             interrog.   lequel      t
             relative    quel        r
             reflexive   se          x
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Person       first       je          1
             second      tu          2
             third       il          3
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Gender       masculine   cet,il      m
             feminine    cette,elle  f
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Number       singular    certain     s
             plural      certains    p
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Case         nominative  il          n
             object      le, lui     j
             oblique     moi         o
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Possessor    singular    mon         s
             plural      nos         p
============ =========== =========== ====


a. Possessive

Possessive pronouns  are compound forms only  ("le  mien").  The  form
"mien" is an adjective (see note supra).

b. Case

The case system proposed by EAGLES  (nominative,  accusative,  dative,
oblique,  etc.) does not map readily to French personal pronouns.  The
usual typology is the following:

subject      je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils, elles
object me, te, le, la, lui, se, nous, vous, les, leur, se
other moi, toi, lui, elle, soi, nous, vous, eux, elles, soi
The category "other" corresponds to reinforcement of subject or object ("Moi, je le dis"), attribute ("C'est moi"), etc. We could use the following mapping: Nominative --> subject Accusative --> direct object Dative --> indirect object Oblique --> other However, this solution splits "object" in "direct" and "indirect", and this distintion is valid only for the 3rd personal pronouns in French (direct: le, la, les; indirect: lui, leur). Encoding this distinction would duplicate all other forms (direct:me, te, etc.; indirect: me, te, etc.). We have therefore added one value to the case system proposed: the value "Object".

c. New values exclamative, reciprocal

The  addition of those new values for  the attribute type  has not yet
been  considered in French.  It is clear that the value  "exclamative"
would be more  useful for the Determiner category  (where it is merged
with the interrogative value). As for reciprocal value,
it  may  be  redundant  with  the  codes  using the  case-value  "j"
(object), applied to personal pronouns, and the reflexive pronouns
coded Px.

d. Agglutination

The presence of  disjuncted lexical units  among pronouns  has led  to
their lexicalisation for  the sake of consistency  of some paradigms :
for instance the paradigm  "auquel",  "auxquels"  and  "auxquelles" is
completed  with  the  unit  'à_laquelle",  which  is  not  completely

4.2 Combinations

======= ==================  =========================================================================
Lexique    Example             Definition
======= ==================  ==========================================================================
Ps1fs-s    la_mienne         Poss. pron. 1st pers. fem., sing. possession and sing. possessor
Ps1fs-p    la_nôtre          Poss. pron. 1st pers. fem., sing. possession and plur. possessor
Ps1fp-s    les_miennes       Poss. pron. 1st pers. fem., plur. possession and sing. possessor
Ps1fp-p    les_nôtres        Poss. pron. 1st pers. fem., plur. possession and plur. possessor
Ps1ms-s    le_mien           Poss. pron. 1st pers. masc., sing. possession and sing. possessor
Ps1ms-p    le_nôtre          Poss. pron. 1st pers. masc., sing. possession and plur. possessor
Ps1mp-s    les_miens         Poss. pron. 1st pers. masc., plur. possession and sing. possessor
Ps1mp-p    les_nôtres        Poss. pron. 1st pers. masc., plur. possession and plur. possessor
Ps2fs-s    la_tienne         Poss. pron. 2nd pers. fem., sing. possession and sing. possessor
Ps2fs-p    la_vôtre          Poss. pron. 2nd pers. fem., sing. possession and plur. possessor
Ps2fp-s    les_tiennes       Poss. pron. 2nd pers. fem., plur. possession and sing. possessor
Ps2fp-p    les_vôtres        Poss. pron. 2nd pers. fem., plur. possession and plur. possessor
Ps2ms-s    le_tien           Poss. pron. 2nd pers. masc., sing. possession and sing. possessor
Ps2ms-p    le_vôtre          Poss. pron. 2nd pers. masc., sing. possession and plur. possessor
Ps2mp-s    les_tiens         Poss. pron. 2nd pers. masc., plur. possession and sing. possessor
Ps2mp-p    les_vôtres        Poss. pron. 2nd pers. masc., plur. possession and plur. possessor
Ps3fs-s    la_sienne         Poss. pron. 3rd pers. fem., sing. possession and sing. possessor
Ps3fs-p    la_leur           Poss. pron. 3rd pers. fem., sing. possession and plur. possessor
Ps3fp-s    les_siennes       Poss. pron. 3rd pers. fem., plur. possession and sing. possessor
Ps3fp-p    les_leurs         Poss. pron. 3rd pers. fem., plur. possession and plur. possessor
Ps3ms-s    le_sien           Poss. pron. 3nd pers. masc., sing. possession and sing. possessor
Ps3ms-p    le_leur           Poss. pron. 3nd pers. masc., sing. possession and plur. possessor
Ps3mp-s    les_siens         Poss. pron. 3nd pers. masc., plur. possession and sing. possessor
Ps3mp-p    les_leurs         Poss. pron. 3nd pers. masc., plur. possession and plur. possessor
Pp1-sn-    je                Pers. pron. 1st pers. sing. nominative
Pp2-sn-    tu                Pers. pron. 2nd pers. sing. nominative
Pp3msn-    il, on            Pers. pron. 3rd pers. masc. sing. nominative
Pp3fsn-    elle              Pers. pron. 3rd pers. fem. sing. nominative
Pp1-pn-    nous              Pers. pron. 1st pers. plur. nominative
Pp2-pn-    vous              Pers. pron. 2nd pers. plur. nominative
Pp3mpn-    ils               Pers. pron. 3rd pers. masc. plur. nominative
Pp3fpn-    elles             Pers. pron. 3rd pers. fem. plur. nominative
Pp1-sj-    me                Pers. pron. 1st pers. sing. object
Pp2-sj-    te                Pers. pron. 2nd pers. sing. object 
Pp3msj-    le, se, lui       Pers. pron. 3rd pers. masc. sing. object
Pp3fsj-    la, se, lui       Pers. pron. 3rd pers. fem. sing. object
Pp3--j-    en, y             Pers. pron. 3rd pers. sing. object
Pp1-pj-    nous              Pers. pron. 1st pers. plur. object
Pp2-pj-    vous              Pers. pron. 2nd pers. plur. object
Pp3mpj-    les, se, leur     Pers. pron. 3rd pers. masc. plur. object
Pp3fpj-    les, se, leur     Pers. pron. 3rd pers. fem. plur. object
Pp1-so-    moi               Pers. pron. 1st pers. sing. oblique
Pp2-so-    toi               Pers. pron. 2nd pers. sing. oblique
Pp3mso-    lui, soi          Pers. pron. 3rd pers. masc. sing. oblique
Pp3fso-    elle, soi         Pers. pron. 3rd pers. fem. sing. oblique
Pp1-po-    nous              Pers. pron. 1st pers. plur. oblique
Pp2-po-    vous              Pers. pron. 2nd pers. plur. oblique
Pp3mpo-    eux, soi          Pers. pron. 3rd pers. masc. plur. oblique
Pp3fpo-    elles, soi        Pers. pron. 3rd pers. fem. plur. oblique
Pd-fp--    celles, celles-ci Pron. demons. fem. plur.
Pd-fs--    celle, celle-ci   Pron. demons. fem. sing.
Pd-mp--    ceux, ceux-ci     Pron. demons. masc. plur.
Pd-ms--    celui, celui-ci   Pron. demons. masc. sing.
Pd-----    ce, ceci          Pron. demons.
Px1-s--    me                Pron. reflex. 1st pers. sing.
Px1-p--    te                Pron. reflex. 2nd pers. sing.
Px2-s--    se                Pron. reflex. 3rd pers. sing.
Px2-p--    nous              Pron. reflex. 1st pers. plur.
Px3-s--    vous              Pron. reflex. 2nd pers. plur.
Px3-p--    se                Pron. reflex. 3rd pers. sing.
Pi-fp--    quelques-unes     Pron. indef. fem. plur.
Pi-fs--    aucune, nulle     Pron. indef. fem. sing.
Pi-mp--    quelques-uns      Pron. indef. masc. plur.
Pi-ms--    aucun, nul        Pron. indef. masc. sing.
Pr-----    que, qui          Pron. relat. 
Pr-fp--    lesquelles        Pron. relat. fem. plur.
Pr-fs--    laquelle          Pron. relat. fem. sing.
Pr-mp--    lesquels          Pron. relat. masc. plur.
Pr-ms--    lequel            Pron. relat. masc. sing.
Pt-----    quoi              Pron. interrog.
Pt-fp--    lesquelles        Pron. interrog. fem. plur.
Pt-fs--    laquelle          Pron. interrog. fem. sing.
Pt-mp--    lesquels          Pron. interrog. masc. plur.
Pt-ms--    lequel            Pron. interrog. masc. sing.

5. Determiners (D)

5.1 Attribute value table

============ ================ =========== ====
Attribute    Value             Example     Code
============ ================ =========== ====
Type         article            le          a
             demonstrative        ce          d
             indefinite         certain     i
             possessive         mon         s
             interrog./exclam   quel        t
------------ ---------------- ----------- ----
Person       first              ma          1
             second             ta          2
             third              sa          3
------------ ---------------- ----------- ----
Gender       masculine          le          m
             feminine           la          f
------------ ---------------- ----------- ----
Number       singular           le          s
             plural             les         p
------------ ---------------- ----------- ----
Case         ///                ///         -
------------ ---------------- ----------- ----
Possessor    singular           mon         s
             plural             nos         p
------------ ---------------- ----------- ----
Quantif.     definite           le          d
             indefinite         un          i
============ ================ =========== ====

5.2 Combinations

======= ====================  =================================================================
Lexique    Example              Definition
======= ====================  =================================================================
Ds1fs-s-   ma (tasse)           Posses. determ. 1st pers. fem., sing. possession sing. possessor
Ds1ms-s-   mon (livre)          Posses. determ. 1st pers. masc., sing. possession sing. possessor
Ds1fp-s-   mes (tasses)         Posses. determ. 1st pers. fem., plur. possession sing. possessor
Ds1mp-s-   mes (livres)         Posses. determ. 1st pers. masc., plur. possession sing. possessor
Ds2fs-s-   ta (tasse)           Posses. determ. 2nd pers. fem., sing. possession sing. possessor
Ds2ms-s-   ton (livre)          Posses. determ. 2nd pers. masc., sing. possession sing. possessor
Ds2fp-s-   tes (tasses)         Posses. determ. 2nd pers. fem., plur. possession sing. possessor
Ds2mp-s-   tes (livres)         Posses. determ. 2nd pers. masc., plur. possession sing. possessor
Ds3fs-s-   sa (tasse)           Posses. determ. 3rd pers. fem., sing. possession sing. possessor
Ds3ms-s-   son (livre)          Posses. determ. 3rd pers. masc., sing. possession sing. possessor
Ds3fp-s-   ses (tasses)         Posses. determ. 3rd pers. fem., plur. possession sing. possessor
Ds3mp-s-   ses (livres)         Posses. determ. 3rd pers. masc., plur. possession sing. possessor
Ds1fs-p-   notre (tasse)        Posses. determ. 1st pers. fem., sing. possession plur. possessor
Ds1ms-p-   notre (livre)        Posses. determ. 1st pers. masc., sing. possession plur. possessor
Ds1fp-p-   nos (tasses)         Posses. determ. 1st pers. fem., plur. possession plur. possessor
Ds1mp-p-   nos (livres)         Posses. determ. 1st pers. masc., plur. possession plur. possessor
Ds2fs-p-   votre (tasse)        Posses. determ. 2nd pers. fem., sing. possession plur. possessor
Ds2ms-p-   votre (livre)        Posses. determ. 2nd pers. masc., sing. possession plur. possessor
Ds2fp-p-   vos (tasses)         Posses. determ. 2nd pers. fem., plur. possession plur. possessor
Ds2mp-p-   vos (livres)         Posses. determ. 2nd pers. masc., plur. possession plur. possessor
Ds3fs-p-   leur (tasse)         Posses. determ. 3rd pers. fem., sing. possession plur. possessor
Ds3ms-p-   leur (livre)         Posses. determ. 3rd pers. masc., sing. possession plur. possessor
Ds3fp-p-   leurs (tasses)       Posses. determ. 3rd pers. fem., plur. possession plur. possessor
Ds3mp-p-   leurs (livres)       Posses. determ. 3rd pers. masc., plur. possession plur. possessor
Dd-fs---   cette                Demons. determ. fem. sing.
Dd-ms---   cet, ce              Demons. determ. masc. sing.
Dd-fp---   ces                  Demons. determ. fem. plur.
Dd-mp---   ces                  Demons. determ. masc. plur.
Di-fs---   aucune               Indef. determ. fem. sing. 
Di-ms---   aucun                Indef. determ. masc. sing.
Di-fp---   certaines            Indef. determ. fem. plur.
Di-mp---   certains             Indef. determ. masc. plur.
Dt-fs---   quelle               Interrog./exclam determ. fem. sing.
Dt-ms---   quel                 Interrog./exclam determ. masc. sing.
Dt-fp---   quelles              Interrog./exclam determ. fem. plur.
Dt-mp---   quels                Interrog./exclam determ. masc. plur.
Da-fs--d   la                   Definite article fem. sing. 
Da-ms--d   le                   Definite article masc. sing.
Da-fp--d   les                  Definite article fem. plur.
Da-mp--d   les                  Definite article fem. plur.
Da-fs--i   une                  Indefinite article fem. sing.
Da-ms--i   un                   Indefinite article masc. sing.
Da-fp--i   des                  Indefinite article fem. plur.
Da-mp--i   des                  Indefinite article fem. plur.

6. Adverbs (R)

6.1 Attribute value table

============ =========== =========== ====
Attribute    Value       Example     Code
============ =========== =========== ====
Type         general     fortement   g
             particle    ne, pas     p
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Degree       positive    fortement   p
             comparative davantage   c
             negative    ne, pas     n
============ =========== =========== ====

We encode degree for compatibility with other languages, but as for adjectives, the comparative feature is not very productive in French. It applies only to "beaucoup" (comp.= "davantage"), "bien" (comp.= "mieux"), "mal" (comp.= "pis") and "peu" (comp. = "moins"). The comparative for other adverbs is marked by "plus" + adverb (e.g. "plus fortement"). The superlative is usually marked by "le" + comparative (e.g. le plus fortement).


It seems necessary in French to distinguish the two parts of the negation ("ne ... pas"), because they play an important role in disambiguation. However, this violates the applicative principle (the categories in the corpus should be broader than the categories in the lexicon). Here the same lexical category (Rpn) would split in two corpus tags (R-NE, R-PAS). As a result, the regular expression Rpn cannot be used to define the corpus tags unambiguously.

We could add an attribute "Lexical Class" to discriminate between the two particles, as, if needed, for the distinction between the "être" and "avoir" auxiliary (see note supra).

============ =========== =========== ====
Attribute    Value       Example     Code
============ =========== =========== ====
Lex. class   ne          ne, n'      n
             pas         pas, plus   p
============ =========== =========== ====
However, the auxiliary distinction applied to many languages (English: be/have; Italian: essere/avere, etc.), whereas the negation problem seems specific to French. It seems therefore heavy to impose an attribute "Lexical Class" for all languages in the Adverb category. Another point of view would be to consider that, in fact, some lexical subcategorization will be needed for one category or another in each language, and add a "Lexical Class" attribute to all the part-of-speech categories in a systematic way.

6.2 Combinations

======= ==================  ===========================
Lexique   Example             Definition
======= ==================  ===========================
Rgp       beaucoup           General positive adverb
Rgc       davantage          General comparative adverb
Rgn       jamais, en_rien    General negative adverb
Rpn       ne,pas             Negative adverbial particle 

7. Adpositions (S)

7.1 Attribute value table

============ =========== =========== ====
Attribute    Value       Example     Code
============ =========== =========== ====
Type         preposition en, de      p
============ =========== =========== ====

Because of the agglutinating adpositions "de" and "à", the adposition class includes a number of composed elements ; each of them has a particular syntactic behaviour depending on the nature of the second agglutinated element. Je me rends audit rendez-vous auquel je pense les champs autour_des fermes

7.2 Combinations

============= ==============  ======================================================
Lexique         Example         Definition
============= ==============  ======================================================
Sp               en             Adpos.
Sp+Afpfp-        auxdites       Adpos. agglutinated with qualif. adjec. fem. plur.
Sp+Afpfs-        à_ladite       Adpos. agglutinated with qualif. adjec. fem. sing.
Sp+Afpmp-        auxdits        Adpos. agglutinated with qualif. adjec. masc. plur.
Sp+Afpms-        audit          Adpos. agglutinated with qualif. adjec. masc. sing.
Sp+Da-fp--d      au_delà_des    Adpos. agglutinated with definite article fem. plur.
Sp+Da-mp--d      autour_des     Adpos. agglutinated with definite article masc. plur.
Sp+Da-ms--d      au             Adpos. agglutinated with definite article masc. sing.
Sp+Pr-fp--       desquelles     Adpos. agglutinated with relat. pron. fem. plur.
Sp+Pr-fs--       de_laquelle    Adpos. agglutinated with relat. pron. fem. sing.
Sp+Pr-mp--       desquels       Adpos. agglutinated with relat. pron. masc. plur.
Sp+Pr-ms--       auquel         Adpos. agglutinated with relat. pron. masc. sing.
Sp+Pt-fp--       auxquelles     Adpos. agglutinated with interrog. pron. fem. plur.
Sp+Pt-fs--       à_laquelle     Adpos. agglutinated with interrog. pron. fem. sing.
Sp+Pt-mp--       auxquels       Adpos. agglutinated with interrog. pron. masc. plur.
Sp+Pt-ms--       auquel         Adpos. agglutinated with interrog. pron. masc. sing.

8. Conjunctions (C)

8.1 Attribute value table

============ =========== =========== ====
Attribute    Value       Example     Code
============ =========== =========== ====
Type         coordinat.  et          c
             subordinat. que         s
============ =========== =========== ====

8.2 Combinations

======= =============================================
Lexique  Example
====== =============================================
Cc      mais, ou
Cs      que

9. Numerals (M)

9.1 Attribute value table

============ =========== =========== ====
Attribute    Value       Example     Code
============ =========== =========== ====
Type         cardinal    deux        c
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Gender       masculine   un          m
             feminine    une         f
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Number       singular    un          s
             plural      deux        p
------------ ----------- ----------- ----
Case         ///         ///         -
============ =========== =========== ====

Ordinals are simple adjectives in French. They can never be determiners (e.g. *première fois était la bonne). Traditionnal grammars usually distinguish un/article and un/numeral. It is very difficult to find linguistic tests that enable to discriminate between the two, but we keep this distinction here.

cf. J'ai vu un chat (article)
    J'ai vu un chat et deux chiens (numeral?)

Only un/une have a gender. All other numerals are invariant in gender. We will encode gender as not applicable rather than introduce a systematic homography.

Numerals are lexicalized up to one hundred ;

9.2 Combinations

======= =============================================
Lexique  Example
======= =============================================
Mcms-     un
Mcfs-     une
Mc-s-     zéro
Mc-p-     deux, trois

10. Interjection (I)

10.1 Attribute value table

========= ===========
Tag        Example
========= ===========
I          eh

10.2 Combinations

======= ================  =============================
Lexique  Example            Definition
======= ================  =============================
I        eh                 Interjection

11. Unique membership class (U)

This class includes a single morpho-phonetic element "t" ("que chante-t-il" ?)

12. Residual (X)

12.1 Attribute value table

============ ==============  ================ ======
Attribute     Value           Example   Code  
============ ==============  ================ ======
Type         unit of measure,
             symbols,formulae  cm                u
             expression        etc.              e
             foreign           columba_oenas     f
============ ==============  ================ ======


This class includes miscellaneous items. In order to avoid unmaintenable lists of heterogeneous elements, we have opted to increment the list of attributes along with the creation of such lexical units.

Up to now, we have distinguished upon morpho-syntactic criteria :
- Xu, units of measure, which are likely to follow numbers ;
- Xe, latin expression that are used in specific syntactical contexts ("cf. chap.4") ;
- Xf any foreign words used as nouns and poorly integrated in french linguistic system (see "quattrocento" labelled Ncms-, as it does not imply any syntactic alteration when used in a sentence.)

12.2 Combinations

======= =============================================
Lexique  Example
======= =============================================
Xe        cf.
Xu        kg
Xf        ascosphera_apis        
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