Information for Contributors

Language Learning & Technology is seeking submissions of previously unpublished manuscripts on any topic related to the area of language learning and technology. Articles should be written so that they are accessible to a broad audience of language educators, including those individuals who may not be familiar with the subject matter addressed.

Manuscripts are being solicited in the following categories:

Articles | Commentaries | Reviews

Articles should report on original research or present an original framework that links previous research, educational theory, and teaching practices. Full-length articles should be no more than 5,000 words in length and should include an abstract of no more than 200 words. We encourage articles that take advantage of the electronic format by including hypermedia links to multimedia material both within and outside the article.

Commentaries are short articles, no more than 2,000 words, discussing material previously published in Language Learning & Technology or otherwise offering interesting opinions on issues related to language learning and technology. Hypermedia links to additional information may be included. Commentaries will go through the normal review process.

Submission guidelines for articles and commentaries:

Please list the names, institutions, e-mail addresses and, if applicable, World Wide Web addresses (URLs), of all authors. Also include a brief biographical statement (maximum 50 words, in sentence format) for each author. (This information will be temporarily removed when the articles are distributed for blind review.)

Articles and commentaries can be transmitted in either of the following ways:

(a) By electronic mail: send the main document and any accompanying files (images, etc.) to with a cc to
(b) By mail: send the material on a Macintosh or IBM diskette to each of the following addresses:

University of Hawai'i at Manoa
1859 East-West Road, #106
Honolulu, HI 96822
CLEAR, c/o Dennie Hoopingarner
A709 Wells Hall
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824

Please check the General Policies below for additional guidelines.



Reviews should offer a brief description and evaluation of professional books, classroom texts, or technological resources (multimedia software, CALL programs, video material, Web sites, etc.), preferably with screen shots, graphics, or hypermedia links that provide additional information. Individual reviews should generally be 750-1,000 words. Reviews that critically compare important new works in related disciplines (e.g., linguistics, education, cyberculture, computer science, artificial intelligence) are also encouraged and should generally be 2,000 words or longer. Reviews should provide the following information:

For book reviews:

For software reviews:

Name of product (previous names)
Version number
Minimal hardware requirements
Support offered
Target (teaching) language and audience
Language level of student / user (learners, professionals)
Cost (street or list, site license vs individual)

Please include the following information with reviews: Name, institution, e-mail address, World Wide Web URL of the reviewer(s) if applicable, and a brief biographical statement of each reviewer (maximum 50 words).

Reviews can be submitted in the following ways:
(a) By electronic mail: send the main document and any accompanying files (images, etc.) to India Plough at
(b) By mail: send the material on a Macintosh or IBM diskette to:
India Plough
A712 Wells Hall
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824-1027

Correspondence regarding reviews (e.g., to request a review copy of a book or software package, to submit materials for review, to be placed on a list of future reviewers) should be directed to India Plough at the addresses listed above.

Please check the General Policies below for additional guidelines.

General Policies


The following policies apply to all articles, reviews, and commentaries:

1. All submissions should conform to the requirements of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (4th edition). Authors are responsible for the accuracy of references and citations, which must be in APA format.

2. Manuscripts that have already been published elsewhere or are being considered for publication elsewhere are not eligible to be considered for publication in Language Learning & Technology. It is the responsibility of the author to inform the editor of any similar work that is already published or under consideration for publication elsewhere.

3. Authors of accepted manuscripts will assign to Language Learning & Technology the permanent right to electronically distribute their article, but authors will retain copyright and, after the article has appeared in Language Learning & Technology, authors may republish their text (in print and/or electronic form) as long as they clearly acknowledge Language Learning & Technology as the original publisher.

4. The editor of Language Learning & Technology reserves the right to make editorial changes in any manuscript accepted for publication for the sake of style or clarity. Authors will be consulted only if the changes are major.

5. Authors of published articles, commentaries, and reviews will receive 10 free hard-copy offprints of their articles upon publication.

6. Articles and reviews may be submitted in the following formats:

(a) HTML files
(b) Microsoft Word documents
(c) Word Perfect documents
(d) ASCII text

If a different format is required in order to better handle foreign language fonts, please consult with the editors.

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Copyright © 1999 Language Learning & Technology, ISSN 1094-3501.
Articles are copyrighted by their respective authors.